Barsoh Ka Intezaar

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It has been 4 years.

 In 4 years Meerab had completed her LLB and LLM. 

She had graduated yesterday and both her parents had held her a small party within their own home, just by themselves. 

These 4 years had passed like wind. She would always remember how she would cry at night because it was getting too difficult or scream in happiness when she had aced an exam which she struggled on or made her dad stay up till late nights while he explained a topic she couldn't put her finger on. 

When Meerab returned from the Haveli, she stopped being upset with her parents as she realised it was out of their control. A promise was a promise and she could no longer put them accountable for it. 

Meerab stuck to her promises and therefore dreaded this day as well as dreaming about it. She had to return to the Haveli and act on her promise. She had no other choice. 

In this moment Meerab sat on her bed cross legged. A box in front of her. It wasn't unusual for Meerab to get deliveries. Since she had started university, Murtasim had sent her gifts and gifts over and over again for every little accomplishment of Meerab's education journey as well as festivals like Eid. 

He brought her everything and surprisingly Meerab liked it all. He brought her jewellery, bags, clothes, everything you could think of. Not once did he say anything, call her or even write a message on the gift tag. Usually it'll say - 'From Murtasim' and that's it. He gave her a gift every semester, every Eid, every Ramadan, every academic year, every birthday.

At first Meerab found it annoying and weird. Why was he doing this? Meerab couldn't put a finger on why but she just ended up accepting them and putting them to one side. She hadn't worn what he had given, her ego too big to accept anything another man which is not her Baba had gifted her but after some time she had gotten used to the gifts. 

She remembered the first time Meerab got a Chanel perfume - which was weird because she remembered she tested it out in store and loved it but didn't end up getting it because she was running late. She had went down to her parents annoyed and told them to tell Murtasim to stop buying her things but they laughed in return at her behaviour. 

'Beta, he's you're fiancé. If he isn't going to get it for you, then who else?' Anila always said. 

Her parents always defended Murtasim. It was like he wasn't Ma Begum's son but theirs.

Murtasim never came to face Meerab in those 4 years. She had heard about his arrival to her parents home on many occasions but he always left before she came. Meerab had wondered on many occasions on why he didn't try to speak to her. It was just curiosity and nothing else. Anila and Waqas had always told Meerab that Murtasim had come to have dinner or just come to say 'hi' but Meerab didn't say much to her Mother and always dodged conversation regarding Murtasim. She wanted to focus on the present and not look into the future because she knew that her future is being tied to a Feudal Lord who can kill her at any given moment. 

Meerab opened the box slowly, she always loved unwrapping wrapping paper. It was so satisfying. The simple green wrapping paper hugged the box and Meerab became intrigued on what it was this time. Was it Jewellery again? It was a small ring box and inside it sat a simple wedding band - diamond. But this gift was unusual because today, for the first time ever, it had a note.

Was it accidentally put in there? 

Meerab cautiously opened the small note and it said, 'Congratulations for your degree. Your promise is now waiting to be fulfilled. Wear this when you come- Murtasim'

Ring. Engagement. Marriage. She couldn't escape it now.

Meerab kept telling her self over the years that it wont be bad. It's not that deep but the other part of her tells her to fight for her rights. Fight for what's right. 

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