Red - Colors that describe how you're feeling right now

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Right now, I'm a big splotch of gray. Not the harsh, stormy grays, but a light, neutral one. No good connotations, no bad meaning. Just... neutral. It's kind of how I've been feeling recently. I'm at home alone during this summer, and I like that. But now someone in my family came to stay for a long time, so I won't be alone and I'm missing that feeling already. Maybe a touch of bright pink for the forced smiles and superficiality, because my entire family is super nice and presentable because someone is here and we can't walk around looking like closet monsters the entire day (excuse me, I'm a closet monster and proud of it)! Also a little bit of green for jealousy. My older sibling is constantly out and about with friends and has so many things to look forward to. Her birthday is really soon and she's going to have an amazing time. Not to mention she's just finished with an extremely important test. A little stressing, but mostly exciting, because this is her future she's dealing with! I'm not dealing with anything nearly as important, and I want to be, but I have to wait a couple more years. Anyway. Plus a beachy blue because I'm going to the beach in several weeks, which is exciting. That is something to look forward to, and I'm really, really excited because the place I'm going to is my home away from home. We've gone there for a couple of years now, and I'm familiar with the place and everything. I love feeling familiar in someplace away from home; it's just a sense of expertise and comfortableness that comes from knowing where something is and it's not your hometown. You know?

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