State of Grace - Something you thought was impossible but did anyway

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Something I never believed I could do is a 20-mile hike. I'm in the Scouts BSA program (yes, they let girls in now!), and to get the hiking merit badge, you need to complete a trek of 20 miles eventually. That's like walking to Costco from my house and back. And lemme tell you- that's pretty far. I mean, 20 is just such a big number, I thought my legs would shatter into a million pieces before walking even 10! But hiking is all about distance acclimation. So I did 5 miles first, then three 10 miles (the first was torture, the second was tedious, the third was amazing!), then a 15 mile (dead, I tell you. I was dead), and finally, the day came in which we'd walk to Costco. And back. Okay, maybe not to Costco. But you get the picture. We set out in the early morning, hopped in a car, and drove to the destination. Then, all there was left to do was walk. And so we did. I made many memories throughout the 11-hour experience (sucking on honeysuckles, explaining the timeline of Dead Poets Society to my oblivious friend, getting a whole series timeline explained to me- yes, I was the oblivious one then). All in all, it was something extraordinary, and I'm glad I never gave up, because what came of it was something amazing, something I will never forget.

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