Chapter 28

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The smell of burning flesh had become a regular to Hawks over the years. The smell from his arms have mixed within his own personal concoction that was a little different from the last time Dabi was with him.

As Jade when up in flames, they seemed to dance in the reflection of Hawks eyes till they watered. But nothing could replace the dark and twisted thoughts that haunted his mind till the smoke drifted out of the cracks in the walls and condensed against the windows.

"I don't regret that." Dabi stuffed his warm hands into his pockets, bloody and blistered, that he didn't want the other to see. The glint in his eyes always use to mess hawks up when they fought, causing his gut to wrench in dread, it was the true villain inside of Dabi that emerged.

"I don't regret that you did it." Hawks walked over to crack open the window letting the smell of burning flesh leave quicker although he had a feeling it would be staying for a repulsive reminder.

"I really can't believe it." Dabi seemed to have changed over the years. Hawks couldn't tell whether it was the tone of voice or the soft footsteps that followed him out of the door that gave away the gentleness or innocence?

But he didn't feel the need to respond to Dabi's rhetorical question, flicking his gaze over his shoulder he was running his hands through his hair, black spiked back and messy. Just how Hawks liked it.

He had changed yet stayed the same in so many ways.

As the dusty rays of sunlight filtered through shattered windows, Dabi followed Hawks, who seemed to know where he was going. The walls cracked and adorned with faded graffiti as vines snaked their way through the cracks and taking over abandoned corners.

Through the glass Dabi could make out the reminisce of a street alleyway. Large industrial bins hiding behind a metal chain link fence, it looked strangely familiar, but Dabi couldn't get another glance before Hawks was striding down the hall and taking a left.

The roof held a hatch in the ceiling, collecting cobwebs but the handle seemed worn and used, but the main concern was the dripping. Thick red liquid dripping from the ceiling creating a stained puddle in the middle of the walkway that made Dabi upturn his nose at hawks who just walked right passed it as if it was normal.

"What the fuck?" His voice wasn't as stable as he would had hope it would be, but it still caught the bird's attention. The ground saturated with red was harder to manoeuvre, it streaked in patches.

"Oh, ignore that." Hawk spoke so emotionless it made it almost impossible for Dabi to move passed it. He was cold and distant, the complete opposite to how he was before. It made the air in the room still with a chill, Dabi could have sworn he was hearing crows fly.

"Why is it red? You know hawks I wouldn't mind if you had a blood kink all the better-" Dabi skipped over the red quickly as the bird turned to leave again, using old techniques was the best way.

"Shut. The. Fuck. Up" Hawk's eyes burned gold, Dabi had skipped over the red quickly as the bird turned to leave again before almost getting knocked over by the man who spun around, liquid gold blazing and shoving Dabi backward.

"Leave it alone fucker, before I rip your balls off your fucking body! got it?" Dabi wished he was terrified, petrified to go near the man that was threatening to shred his precious balls. But he couldn't find it in him.

He was back.

Well, sort of.

The aggressive and slightly terrifying part of him was. The other parts he will have to get back to. But the secrets and crime behind the looming hatch in the ceiling were calling to that deep part in his messed up mind to chat about ways to make the blood of the bad hero's grow bigger. The other part wanted to scream for the old Hawks back, the one that held his fear away from him like a scorched little secret and didn't hold the blackness in his eyes that sank with his own. 

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