Chapter 22

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Hawks froze.

His brain short circuiting till his eyes grew wide with surprise. His limbs falling to his sides, the thumping of both of their hearts becoming the only thing he could pay attention too. Something was obviously wrong with the villain but he wasn't fully sure what had happened in the span of a few slow minutes.

Dabi never told him another name. He always just assumed that it was his original name to begin with, not even thinking of questioning where the man had come from or how he got to act like this to begin with.

Was he even in a position to ask?

Barely a few months ago he was trapped in this very room thinking he hated the villain just as much as the others. All the banter and fights were just to come to an end and finally stop him from destroying more peoples lives. He would have never guessed they were experiencing the same thing as him,

What it was like to live trapped by what people thought of you.

The man was curled up into a ball, pulling his arms around his legs in such an innocent gesture it was impossible to see how he could have done any wrong to begin with.


Such an human name. There was nothing wrong with it, it sounded like a child's name, the pure and kind boy that Dabi probably once was. Whatever happened to him was just as destructive as to what had been done too Hawks.

"My name is Keigo" This felt strange, the man curled up into a ball in the corner and Hawks spread his wings to protect him from doing something stupid. But the look on the others face was enough to make him feel a little better as he introduced himself, again.

"Thats a cool name." The boy said, his voice sounded higher and more childlike as he spoke. There was something not right with the way he was looking at Hawks, but he wasn't going to complain if he was alright.

"Thanks, yours is too." He smiled down as he slowly sat down in front of him, his legs were beginning to hurt in the position.

"Who is Dabi?" He asked questions with a hit of worry, as if someone was about to stop him. Hawks heart was straining in his chest.

"Oh just a friend i was looking for, but it's fine i found you instead." Hawks thought it would be best to play along with the scenario playing in Dabi's young head.

"Are you hiding too?" Dabi, or Togo? He didn't really know what to call him any more. But Dabi felt wrong for this kid. The question was slightly odd, Apart from Jade in the room, no one else had walked in.

"Yeah, who are you hiding from?" Hawks held his breath for an answer. This is so strange, nothing had happened like this before to anyone in the academy. Some how Hawks felt like he was invading in something too personal for him to be seeing. Would Dabi even what him here?

"My dad." His voice was back to whispering, as quiet as a mouse, glancing round at hawks wings that were still outstretched. This made him realise, and slowly began tucking them away, the light streaming in from the outside.

"No! Don't, leave them!" The boy shouted through a whisper, like something was going to get him in he lowered his wings. Tears slowly filled Toya's eyes, briming to fall as he stuffed his face into his hands, folding more into himself.

"Hey, hey no it's ok." Hawks reached out to touch the boy barley skimming his knee with his hand before he let out an ear pitching scream.

All right, ok

No touching

Hawks retracted his hand as if it was on fire. Toya crying as if he had just seen something terrifying. He burrowed deep into himself, covering his ears and all contact with the outside world like it would take something invisible away.

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