Chapter 24

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4 Years later...

The fumes were a blaze. 

Everything burned. 

People were screaming, throwing their hands in the air in terror at the sight that surrounded the city. Windows were smashed in with toxic gas leaking out before the flames licked at the brick and wood till nothing but a skeleton of the place remained. 

The academy, the hero's. Everything they were supposed to stand for. As they looked to the ashes, tears dripping down peoples faces as they watched the beloved place burn with heat as tall as a mountain. 

There was enough gasoline in there to fill a lake. 

All the students stood around lost, not knowing what to do or say at the event that was happening. Everyone was alive but confused and scared as to why this happened. There was a alarm before the worse of it started, calling all the hero's away from the main hit that struck everyone that didn't know the secrets to begin with. 

Kids that were too young to be hero's were huddled in a tight corner, some holding hands and some standing bravely like they were taught. None of them cried, as they stared at the building that was cover in flames it was impossible to determine brick from fire. 

Although there was screaming, it wasn't coming from the survivors but the civilians as they watched the building crumble and children emerge from the shadows. 

No one knew were the new generation of heros came from. 

People didn't ask questions when they were announce to the world, they cheered at the new fresh face to be judged and criticised not questioning how they knew how to speak to the new at a young age, or how advanced their powers were. 

No one cried then. 

And no one is crying now. 

"How did this happen?" People asked in surprise, older hero's scratched their useless heads to figure out how to deflect and solve their damaged image. They didn't pay attention to the surrounding areas as they burned out. 

The town hall

The library 

Willows cafe. 

Just because he was petty. 

All destroyed to the point of no return. No one died thankfully but the fires starter was a mystery. Now one saw anything suspicious or odd before the attack. Only the strange smell of burning and then the red bursted through and surrounding the builds at the same time. 

But people guessed it was to do with the children, diverting the hero's attention away from the main target to strike at the source and ruin the messed up scheme they had running in the background.  

It was the perfect plan, the perfect operation that had been in motion for months. 

The best way to hit the hero's at their core and ensure no one was hurt in the process. It should have been as simple as setting a few things ablaze at the same time, all was necessary was a push of a button.  

But it burned. 

Everything burned too hot. 

He should have been used to it by now from the welts on his skin, or the endless tests that blew up in his face. Testing after testing to ensure that this day went as smoothly as it possibly could. To make an impression large enough that it stops the issues going on in the background and make it out unscathed. 

It all went perfectly, till one small issue. 

The Ivy.

The stupid fucking Ivy. 

The willow went up perfectly in flames just how he want it too, the grey beginning to melt away and bubble. The tables crumbling and white with heat and the coffee machine was the first thing to explode. But the once beautiful ivy spread the fire to fast and quick for him to be able to escape quick enough.

The fire enveloping him in a soldering oven that was too thick to escape from, the gas he released to get maximum damage was seeping into his lungs, it was making it harder to breath. The fire was burning and chaotic as peoples voices faded in and out of focus as he swayed, balancing against the metal poles that run along the wall that he once thought was pretty. 

He had never been scared of death, knowing just how painless it could be was reassuring but this...

Burning alive. 

Was never how he imaged it to go. 

The smoke was replacing the oxygen as the front stability in the building collapsed, enclosing him in permanently, the kitchen alight was truly cutting off any form of escape. He tried to keep himself up right to stop the blisters and welts from getting worse on his hands, but the air was thin and his eyes were no longer of any use to him. 

Everything was burning. 

His heart, his hands, his unless eyes. 

It had always been a part of his life, this time more so than others. Things came together and he was ready. 

At least his planned worked out just as well as he wanted. What happened to him won't ever have to happen to anyone else again. As it all came full circle, the flames covering him with such intensity that all he could see was red. 

His favourite. 

As the flames licked at his skin he could help but let out a scream, the smoke letting it die in his throat as they suffocated him. More destruction happening around him as he scratched his nails along his neck, letting the burning take over till he black spot covered his vision. 

This was how he died. 

No one finding his body till they put out the fire, he tried to ensure people would have the chance to escape when he set off the flames. He had some sympathy. 

He sank to his knees in the middle of the room, the flames blocking off his slow path as noise sounded around him, echoing coming from all directions. A person's foot steps sounding as his burnt flesh filled his nose. 

His sight just barley filtered through the red, a beautiful dance of orange and blue as the water in his eyes distorted his vision so the colours swirled together. 

Only briefly did he see a pair of ominous black boots running towards him from the flames did he's sight go dark completely. 

Who do you think got stuck in the fire? Dabi or Hawks? Will they survive? 

You'll have to see :)

Unknown love (Hotwings ship)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz