Chapter 3

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Hawks lay in his empty bed staring at the ceiling, it was quite cold at this time of year, causing him to wrap himself in the multiple blankets and pillows, he was part bird Afterall. He felt safer surrounded by warmth. He glanced down at the room, almost examining it for something, the light was streaming it at the early morning rise, hawks never got up before his alarm so something must be off. However, he discarded the thought and send multiple red feathers around the room. Cleaning up the last few days of washing and the abandoned pizza boxes, folding away the limited amount of washing he ever did.

Hawks dragged himself out of the warm nest, placing his towel over his bare shoulder as he walked into the bathroom, he let the water wash over his wings provoking them to slouch on his back.


Hawks had patrol today, which was not his favourite part of the job. It was cold, and birds were not one for the chill of winter. Hawks conveniently however had a balcony running of the side of his flat, meaning he had a quick entrance to the warm if necessary, so his patrol was easy to escape from if the weather became worse.

The bird opened the door to the outside and stood, the same shiver taking over his body again. he tryed to ignore it. Taking in the winter chill as he stretched out his wings and took flight. He always loved his wings; many people took advantage of him in his life, but his wings stayed by his side throughout it all. Even though they could not speak, it was almost like they had a mind of there own and would fly high in the sky, proud they are able to soar.

Hawks patrolled the area with a lazy eye. Spending this time in the sky to take up the views, not many would be able to see what hawks could see and he decided to take advantage. He was almost engulfed in ombres of purple and orange, marbling patterns surrounding him. It was almost better than listening to music.

However, hawks got snapped back into reality by the commotion going on down below, swooping down to see what was happening, hawks rolled his eyes as he saw a bright electrifying ball of blue flames snap in a nearby close. He really could not be bothered with Dabi today. His mind was at peace and calm, he did not want this villain to go and mess it up again.

*Oh, for the love of God* hawks thought as he landed on the concrete with a sigh

*Why couldn't it have been someone else? *

Hawks walked closer to the fight, acknowledging what was happening. There stood in the middle of the road, was a tall dark looking figure. Holding an orb of fire in his open fist, continuously firing the flames at a civilian, who was running around like a headless chicken.

Hawks tried to step in and help the poor guy, but by the time he took a step the man was already up in flames, Dabi had a good aim he could tell you that...

Realising the birds presents Dabi turned. Looking into the winged man hawk-like eyes, Dabi could tell the man wore eyeliner to insinuate the look, however don't think now was a good time to be mentioning it out loud though.

"Well hello again." Dabi said with a low growl, this made hawks shiver a little.

"Again Dabi?" hawks questioned

"I'm starting to think you're doing this on purpose to get my attention" hawks teased, knowing full well that was not the case

"Oh you wish birdy"

"I have better things to worry about than getting your gaze" Dabi spoke, giving hawks a little wink as he walked past.


"Where do you think your goin' " hawks called, watching the villain as he walked straight past him to exit.

"I'm going home" Dabi said simply

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