Chapter 13

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It had been a long few weeks of repetitive actions to Hawks. 

The world seemed to be carrying on well without him. The 'vacation'  was apparently easy to believe when he was forced to send a small text to the agency announcing he was going on 'holiday'. Dabi hadn't been as bad as he thought he would be as they started regular training in the poor excuse of a gym. 

Hawks had been keeping himself occupied with the bar and pool table, and even had a few games with the villains. Sometimes he could hear shouting from his room late at night as they scored goals on the dart board they recently put in. 

Keeping the darts away from him of course. Locking them away in a box with a key that Toga managed to keep hidden surprisingly well. 

Around three or four weeks in, Hawks sat in the living room watching the news, with its flashy headlines and over exaggerated titles, when Shigaraki strode into the room and heading straight to the bar. 

"The usual Shig?" He questioned, his head hanging over the back of the sofa staring at his old crusty lips. The villain knew exactly what he was talking about by the snarl that read over his face. 

"Why are you even here" He mumbled to himself more than to the bird. Hawks just chuckled, turning off the TV to go and sit at the bar where Shigaraki was making a cocktail. 

At 11 o'clock in the morning. 

Hawks is still adjusting to the common idea of morning drinking. 

"Don't forget the lemon like last time" He pointed to the pitiful fridge,

"Fuck you! I was distracted." The villain shouted. That also was another thing hawks picked up. They are all very angry, nervous, stressed, sad or aggrivated. All the time. Hawks couldn't really understand it at first but once you put together the past trauma and how society has villainized them, its pretty understandable. 

The other simply put up his hands in defeat letting the man make his drink, with a lot of whisky. They continued to chat, getting along with each other well. Soon Dabi came storming in like usual, his hands full of gold things. 

"Just robbed a bank?" Hawks said sarcastically at first till he saw the wide devil-like grin Dabi was sporting. 

"Was it obvious? I did wonder why people were looking at me." The villain was calm as he sat beside Hawks, who had his mouth wide open in shock, he wasn't expecting that. 

Or maybe he was?

The lines of surprise was beginning to blur as he lasted longer in the hell hole. 

"Jesus Dabi..." He trailed off, putting his head in his hands as a sign of exhausted. The villains chuckled to each other. Dabi placed the Jules and rings on the table. 

"What? No shouting and screaming? This is cause for celebration!" Shigaraki shouted, already a little tipsy due to 90 percent of his drink being whisky. It did surprise Hawks that he did feel the need to go off in loud bangs of noise at the sight of the villain, hands full of money. He should feel the need to stop him, shouldn't he?

An uneasy feeling set in his stomach as the longer he didn't react like he would of done a few weeks ago, were he probably would have been dragging the gold back to the bank with Dabi in his wake. 

What was wrong with him? 

Why didn't he feel the need to tell Dabi off

Maybe it's to do with the fact it wouldn't of done anything anyway, even if he did start shouting and screaming. Dabi wouldn't take the money back. 

"That is an odd move for you Birdy." The villain stated, placing his hand on his cheek and turning his head like he was talking to a child. He didn't say much but he knew that suddenly the feeling of stealing from the dicks in the big tower didn't feel as euphoric when looking at the blank look on Hawk's face. 

Where was the rush Dabi normally would get at his bragging rights?

"Alright, I see this is not the way the this convo should be going!" A small splash of beer sprayed over the table as Shigaraki held it loosely in his hand. 

Why was he drinking again?

"Which bank did you go too?" The bird questioned, mimicking Dabi's actions with a raised eyebrow. Dabi just chuckled a low deep laugh. 

"I don't even know. Just saw some sparkly things in the window, hens the gold." He motioned to the guild still spread on the table. 

"I should feel something, shouldn't I?" Hawks questioned out of the blue as the others exchanged alcohol and gold in silents. 

They both looked to each other

"Well you see hawks..." Shigaraki started, the voice raspy despite the amount of liquid he had consumed in the time. 

"No." Dabi sat still, not moving a muscle as if he might disturb something. Hawks couldn't understand what point the villains were making 

"Fine you doing it then moody." Shigaraki put his arms up in surrender, simultaneously dropping the glass bottle in his hands. The smashing sound made Hawks flinch for the first time in years, but no one seemed as bothered as the villain mumbled a quick 'fuck it' before walking down the dark hall leaving the others at the bar without a word. 

 "What do you think you should feel?" Dabi brought back Hawks from zoning out again, ignoring the broken glass on the floor. 

"Well something that's for sure?!" Hawks exclaimed, He was confused. Not knowing what to do in the situation is the worst. It's questioning his morals that had been put, and welded, into his brain since he was born. 

"I mean I guess, but it's a matter of perspective. Like Robin Hood"

Hawks placed his finger to his lips, pushing into them with a sense of thought. He did this often when put into a confusing situation, the pressure grounding him in the scenario. 

"I, don't know really. Like I should be mad but-" The bird started before the slightest tingling started in the base of his wings for just a second. Dabi was still looking at him expectantly, waiting for him to finish. 

"-but I didn't feel mad when you-" There it was again, small and quick, like a slight poke on the sensitive feathers. 

Hawks glared at the guy opposite him. It must be him, who else has a feather?

"Would you stop that! I'm trying to have a heart felt moment with you." Dabi's face broke into a grin quickly. One of his hands coming out of his coat pocket to dangle a bright, fluffy red feather in front of his face tauntingly. Hawks tried to snatch it out of his grasp as soon as his saw it but Dabi's quick reflexes acted instantly, pocketing the red thing.  

"What?" He questioned tauntingly 

"I'm just trying to help my pet relax." The words shouldn't of sounded as dark as they did. A shiver shouldn't have ran through Hawk's spine. This moment shouldn't have come as quickly as it did.

And hawks definitely shouldn't of liked it. 

But hey, we're all for messed up ideas.

So he lent closer till he could feel the shallow breaths of Dabi hit his face. He was practically falling off the old bar stool when he straightened his spine to make contact with Dabi's ear. 

Oh yes. 

He harnessed the sheer power of hearing Dabi's breathing hitch as he licked up the shell of his lobe, to whisper ever so quietly

"Your not helping yourself though are you?" He asked innocently.

Before the villain could even process what the bird had said, and how it even linked into the conversation to begin with, Hawks had practically jumped from the bar stood and sprinted from the room heading straight for the rickety old door and swinging it open, letting bright light seep into the bar, and bolting outside.

Dabi remained calm and didn't chase after him instantly. He had the feather that made Hawks cripple at the knees with pleaser, after all. He was giving him a head start really. 

Only because he really couldn't help himself. 

He always loved a good chase, especially when someone had something to pay for. 

And hawks had just made his trousers significantly tighter. 

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