52) I'm gonna be okay...

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Scarlett's POV
After going to my room I felt so bad about not hugging mama. Sitting on my bed I heard a knock at my door and then the door was pushed open a little "Bambina?" I heard mama say as she poked her head in my room. I looked at her "can I come in?" She asked I just nodded and she smiled then walked into the room "Bambina are you okay I didn't mean to upset you earlier." She says as she walks and sits on the bed. I just looked at her I couldn't think of any words to say; but there was so much I needed to say. I guess I just couldn't get it out. "I just want you to be okay and know you can talk to me Bambina." She told me and I nodded my head then looked down at my hands that where rapped around my legs. "I'm...sorry.." I said just above a whisper. "What was that ?" Mama asked "I'm...sorry..." I said a little louder hoping she heard it. "Bambina you don't have to be sorry I know you're not ready to talk and that's fine okay but listen I'm here so is mom and Andi okay." She told me I nodded "okay I'll leave you alone for a little while." She told me I just nodded my head and she got up and walked out of the room. 

*an hour later *
I had got up to go see what everyone was doing when I walked downstairs I heard a voice I hadn't heard in a while. I looked around the corner into the living room and seen Sarah and Andi sitting on the couch talking while mama was bring them food. I then feel a hand on my shoulder and jump out of shock almost falling over i turn to see mom standing beside me "you okay kiddo?" She asked me in a whisper I nodded then pointed to Sarah and mom nodded and grabbed my hand and we both made our way to her room. Once there mom shut the door "you okay what's going on in that head" she asked me. I looked at her and then back at my hands playing with my sleeves. I thought to myself it's time to talk or something if I don't they'll try to put me in the hospital and get them to get it out of me. "I...I'm.. not ready.." I stutter out "not ready for what?" Mom asked "not...ready to talk to her..." I said and looked up at my mom. "Sweetheart You don't have to talk to her if you don't want to." Mom said "why is she here?" I asked as words started to come easier "she wants to see you and talk to you kiddo she misses you." Mom tells me "but why I haven't talked to her in like 4 or 5 days I left her on read mom." I tell her "I don't think she cares about that kid she's worried about you. Like we are sweetie." She told me "I can't..." is all I could get out before running to my room. Deep down all I wanted was to see Sarah and hang out with her she's the best person anyone could be around. When I got to my room I shut the door and got on to my bed I can't do this today.

30 minutes had past and I heard my door open I turn around in my chair at my desk and looked at the door and I seen her standing there in the door way her hair was down she had a crop top on with her favorite band. "Hey." She said as she stood there. "Hi.." I said and she walked into the room closing the door "are you okay?" She asked me I just nodded my head as she walked closer to me "I missed you and I'm worried about you." She tells me  "I'm sorry..." I said just above a whisper when she gets right in front of me she moves to sit on my bed I turn the chair that way. " why are you sorry?" She asked me "I haven't talked to you in days." I told her " scar I don't care that you haven't talked to me I just care that your okay I know your going through something and need time to process it and not talking to me is fine as long as we are okay after this." She tells me "okay I just don't want you to not want me anymore." I said looking down at my hands. I feel her hand under my chin to move my face to look at her "scar I'm always gonna want you. Nothing will change that." She told me  "even if I'm broken?" I asked "even if your broken." She said and moved closer to me. "I'm here for the long haul scar." She said with a smile and I smiled back "can I hug you?" She asked I nodded yes and she wrapped her arms around me and pulled me up as I got up I put my arms around her waist she moved hers around my neck. As she pulled away from the hug we made eye contact her eyes moved from my eyes to my lips and she started to lean in. Before I knew it our lips were connected and she pulled me closer and turned so my back was to the bed. As we kissed she pushed me towards the bed and the back of my knees hit the bed I sat down and pulled her on to my lap. We stopped kissing when air became a problem. I couldn't help but smile and kiss her again.

A/N: hey guys I think imma do a time jump here after the next chapter just to try and the first part to
" Kids will be kids" let me know if y'all have any ideas on it

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