4) time to win 🥇

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Scarlett's POV
We where at the starting line I could hear moms and Andi yell good luck. After I nodded my head at coach "you'll do fine Scarlett." Summer told me "I hope so if not he'll make me run laps after this." I say "I know but I'll stay with you." She says we get ready and the gun goes off and we're off I get in to my zone and I'm in front "go Bishop go!!" I hear coach say..

Mayas POV
"Is that who I think it is?" I say "who mom?" Andrea asked "what's the coach's name?" I asked her "Um I thinks it's coach Bishop why?" She asked me and Carina made eye contact as did me and Andy when I turn back to Andrea " it can't be right?" Andy asked "I don't know." I say

Scarlett's POV
I past the finish line "BISHOP!" coach yells oh no I didn't do it I failed on the first run today i have another in 2 hours the 200m ugh I didn't beat her time. "WHAT WAS THAT!!"he yell " first it's not just Bishop I don't know what you don't understand but it's Deluca-Bishop okay and second I did my best." I say he grabs my arm "I DIDNT ASK FOR YOUR BEST I ASKED FOR YOU TO BEAT THE TIME!!" He yells "ow your hurting me." I say "let go of her Bishop." I hear the other coach say "stay out of this." He said and pulls me closer to him "what is this time 10.16 for the 100m laps till next race" he said "okay let go." I say and he finally let go to do laps "Scar what are you doing?" I hear mom ask me " I have to do laps till next race." I tell her "no you don't you did good." She says "mom my time went up I ran slowly here then I need in practice yesterday." I tell her as she comes closer "what happened here" she asked pointing at the bruise forming on my arm from coach "oh nothing." I say and try to walk away "BISHOP I SAID LAPS NOW!!" Coach yelled again "It's Deluca-Bishop for the last time." I say when mom turned to see who yelled at me "Lane?" She said "Maya." He said "y'all know each other."yea kiddo." Mom said what who is he? I thought to myself. "Laps." He says and I go.

After laps are down it was time for my next race I got to be the time. My thing is I the fastest kid out here I shouldn't have to be my moms time but now he wanted me to beat it. I can not believe he was my coach. We all get to the starting line and get ready the gun goes off and here we go. I cross the finish line seconds before everyone else  he comes coach Bishop "go laps now!" He yelled "but..." I stay to say "NOW!" He yells moms are getting our stuff so they haven't made it down yet and coach told Summer to go get the metals so I could do more laps. I was so done with running I was tired because I didn't sleep long enough. I didn't feel good. I haven't had any real food in at least 3 days cause I told moms it was to get ready for track but that was a lie. Thank goodness Andi wasn't there that day. As I run I hear moms calling my name "Scarlett come on." Mama said I shake my head no and keep running. As I'm on my 3rd lap I started feeling dizzy and lightheaded "come on Bishop." I could some what hear coach say. The next thing I know everything went black.

A/N: I know this one's shorter but sorry this part answered the question about Lane what do you think will happen now

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