20) It happened so fast (part 2 of 2)

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(⚠️TW: talk of sexual assault, Alcohol, and Drugs)

Scarlett's POV
After about 30 minutes of crying "bambina who did you tell to stop?" Mama asked "the guy...at the party.." I told her she looked at mom and I seen mom nod "bambina he did this to you." Mama said I nodded "what else did he do bella?" Mama asked "he...um..." I shook my head not wanting to say it "okay hey Bella listen me or mom well ask a question you can just say yes or no okay." Mama said I nodded in agreement. "Did he force himself on you?" Mom asked me I nodded yes "okay he hit you when you told him no?" Mama asked I nodded yes again and they look at each other again. "Bella we need to go to the hospital." Mama told me I shook my head no "no...no...mama" I say shacking my head back and forth as I pulled away from her. "Bella Bella breathe." Mama told me holding my hands "I..I..c..can't..." I stutter out "okay bambina follow my breaths in hold 1..2...3 out do it again." She told me and I did as she said and slowly calmed down. "Scarlett sweetheart we need to go to the hospital okay....we need to do a rape kit.." mom told me "mama Please don't make me do that." I beg I mean I know it's a good idea to do one but I don't want to I've been though enough tonight. "Bella we need to do it I can be there the whole time as well as mom." Mama told me "I just want a shower.." I say "I know Bella I know." Mama says. I lay my head back down on her shoulder "fine I'll go but you'll stay with me right." I say "yes of course we will" mom tells me.

We get to the hospital and mama was able to get her friend Jo and Helm(not sure if I spelled her name correctly) to do that rape kit. We got back pretty fast "okay we're going to start you tell us to stop at anytime so just say stop or when we tell you what we are doing say yes or no " Jo said I nodded "we need to hear you." Jo said "okay." I say "okay you ready?" Jo asked "yes." I say "okay we need you to take your clothes off and you can put that gown on." Jo say "okay ." I say and do what she said when I was done she put my clothes in a bag and gave them to Helm. The exam took about in hour or so. Once it was done mom grabbed the clothes we brought for home so I could put them on. "Here sweetie." She said Jo walked back into the room after I got done changing. "The cops are here to talk with her when you all are ready." Jo tells us and leaves "mama I don't want to talk to the cops." I tell her "I know Bella but you need to tell them who the guy was or what he looked like okay." She told me I nodded okay. About 10 minutes later an officer walked in "hello miss Deluca-Bishop." One of the officers said.  "Hi." I say quietly "we have a few questions then we will leave." She said "okay." I say  "first off I'm officer Jones this is officer James. We want you to tell us what you want or feel like." She tells me "um okay.." I say and look at my moms they both nod and mama holds my hand and mom has her hand on my shoulder.  "He was tall...he had brown hair.....um I..I...think h..he g....goes to...school with me..." I tell them "okay can you tell me what his face looked like? or his name if you know it?" Officer James asked "I  seen... him earlier tonight with... one of my friends... I think his name was Cody " I told them

As me and Sarah went to talk to summer before finding a place to chill till we where ready to leave I seen Summer with the guy he was tall with brown hair he seemed nice. "Hey Summer." I say "oh hey Scarlett hey Sarah I want you yo meet my friend this is Cody." She told us "hello ladies." He said.
*end flashback*

"Scarlett you okay ?" Mom asked I nodded "okay thank you for your time we will keep you updated." They say and leave "can we go home now?" I asked "yes bella we can." Mama says we get home I can finally shower I go to my room and shower. After I shower I go and lay in my bed. Once I fall asleep I feel it's not long till I jump up out of my sleep screaming "NO NO GET OFF" I yell mom running in my room "sweetheart your okay ." She says as she sits beside me and holds me "your okay." She whispers in my ear. She wraps her arms around me "your okay my love your safe." Mom says  I move as close as I could to her "will you stay with me?" I asked "of course baby." She says and we lay down.

*the next morning *

Carina's POV
I wake up to Maya not in bed I guess she got up early to go for a run after last night. I get up to go check on the girl Andi is up and in the kitchen i walks to Scarlett's room and open the door to see my lovely wife asleep with my beautiful daughter. I leave them there and go start breakfast "good morning mama." Andi says "morning Bella how did you sleep?" I asked "pretty good I guess how's Scarlett?" She asked me " she okay right now. It will take time for her to be back to herself tho." I tell her she nods. I hear footsteps come down the stairs "morning Bellas" I say "morning love." Maya says "morning mama." Scarlett says as she walks over to me and hugs me.

A/N: hey loves here is part to home you like it. Let me know what you think

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