42) give her time Scarlett

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Scarlett's POV
It's been a week and Andi still hasn't woke up. I'm scared what if she doesn't wake up? What if she leaves me alone? "Hey kiddo." I hear mom say "you got school today come on." She tells me "I don't wanna  go." I tell her "I know sweetie but you can't miss anymore days okay so come on she'll be here when you get back okay." She tells me I just nod and get up. We've been at the hospital for a week and I've missed a week and a half of school so I guess I got to go right. Mom takes me home and I get changed into my black high top converse, black jeans and a white crop top fix my hair and grab my bag. As I walk downstairs I look into to Andi room mama clean it up yesterday so it doesn't looked lived in right now.  I make my way to mom "okay you ready?" She asked I nodded in response.

We get to the school and already I'm ready to leave I've been a whole week of training because Andi been hurt. I've also missed 2 meets but coach understood. "I'll see you after school so you can go back to see Andi if you want okay." Mom told me i nodded an okay and got out of the car "bye sweetie." She said "bye mom." I said walking with my head down low. I didn't want to come to school but this is what I got to do right.

Mayas POV
After dropping off Scarlett I went back to the hospital to check on Carina to see how she was then I went to the station for a few hours until Scarlett get out of school. "Hey maya." I heard Andy say coming in from the barn "hi.." I said not lifting my head from the paper work I'm doing. "How's Andrea doing?" She asked "she's stable right now just waiting on her to wake up." I tell her "I'm glad she's stable what happened bto the woman who hit her?" She asked " she's offering to pay for the hospital bills." I say " but I don't really know how I feel about that. I mean yea it would be great but I don't think we could take her money." I tell her "I understand that you and Carina think about it and see what you both want." She tells me "all I want right now if for my little girl to be okay." I tell her.

Scarlett's POV
At lunch I sit with Sarah Summer and Kristin. "So how's Andi doing?" Kristin asked "she's okay I guess." I said picking at my lunch. "She'll get better scar." Summer tells me "I know I just don't wanna be here with out her you know." I say "it's just most the time she's okay and I'm the one hurt or getting hurt. I just want her to wake up so we can talk." I tell them "give her time Scarlett she'll wake up when she's ready." Sarah says "I hope your right." I say

After lunch I go to math. I sit in my seat which is right next to Andi seat. Class feels empty with out her. "Oh look one of them came today" Kelly said walking in "I can sit with you if you want." Sarah said she sat behind us with Summer. I just nodded and she moved to sit in Andi seat today. "Don't worry about Kelly today okay." Sarah said I nodded again. With that Kelly took it in her on hands to sit behind me " where sissy dearest?" She asked " leave her alone Kelly ." Summer told her. " Why would I do that?" Kelly asked "because everyone knows Andi is hurt you don't bring it up." Summer tells her "oh but I just wanted to see how she was doing" Kelly said but we all knew that was not what she was doing. "Come on Scarlett tell me how is she? I heard the car that hit her throw her a little is that true?" She asked leaning up to my shoulder "shut up." I said "come on I just wanna know if it's true?" She said again "I said shut up." I said a little louder. "I bet she's just fine just didn't wanna come to school with cuts and bruises huh?" She continued at this point I had turned to face her "shut your mouth Kelly!" I yelled at her "or what? I just wanna know how my friend is" she said "she's not your friend and neither are we so shut up and leave before I make you." I said standing up from my desk. "Make me" she said standing from her desk "scar baby calm down." Sarah said "that's it" I said and pushed Kelly back "keep my sister out of your mouth." I tell her "why you gonna cry?" She said after that I slapped her I went to hit her again but I felt a hand on my shoulder "scar it's not worth it." Sarah told me I shook her off "yes it is she's been asking for this since she walked in"I tell her going back at Kelly hitting her again and again and again. After the last hit I feel someone pull me off of her and out into the hall way "go to the office now Scarlett. Sarah, Summer walk with her." Mr. Anderson said "yes sir." They said and we all walked to the office. "Mrs. Deluca-Bishop I'm gonna have to call your moms." Principal Gilbert said "I know." I said hanging my head "Scarlett you'll be okay once you explain to your moms what happened they will understand." Sarah told me I nodded "okay explain to me why you went after Kelly." principal Gilbert asked  "I didn't go after Kelly Principal Gilbert." I said then I explain everything to him. "I understand but you can't just fight someone because they said something about your sister." He said "sir all do respect if someone is bad mouthing my family I'm going to fight." I told him and he just nodded. After that he called my moms by that time Kelly and her parents where in the office talking to Principal Gilbert. Not long after mom came walking in "hey kiddo you okay?" She asked me I nodded yes "Mrs. Deluce-Bishop thank you for coming so fast." Principal Gilbert said " not a big deal what's going on?" Mom asked "well Mrs.Deluca-Bishop your daughter here got in a fight with Mrs. Smith today" Principal Gilbert told her (I don't remember her last name sorry if it's not right) "what was the reason?" Mom asked "Scarlett doesn't just fight for no reason." Mom said "she said that Mrs.Smith was saying stuff about her sister Andrea that was hurt a week or so ago." He told mom " Scarlett is this true?" Mom asked me I nodded "but I told her to stop and she didn't." I added "I have no choice but to suspend her." He told mom. Mom nodded her head "is that all?" She asked "yes ma'am." He said  with that me and mom left the room and walked to her car "come on I got to go back to the station to finish up then we can go to the hospital." I just nodded I know she's upset with me but with everything going on we will probably have one of our talks after we leave the station today.

A/N: Hello everyone hope you all like it this one's a little longer sorry it's taking so long to get them out been busy with stuff.
What do you think will happen with Andi?
When do you think she'll wake up?

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