43) Shes okay

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Scarlett's POV
Once we got to the station mom went back to the desk and did more paperwork work. When we got there I went to  change into some running pants then I went to the gym to run for a little while. When I got up there Tia Andy and auntie Vic where also working out "hey mimi maya." Auntie Vic said "hey mija how are you?" Tia Andy said  "hi. I'm okay." I said as I got on the treadmill and started it. " You  sure kiddo?"  Auntie Vic asked I just nodded and put my headphones in and started listening to The search by NF.

Mayas POV
"Hey maya what's up with little you?" Vic asked me as she walked downstairs. "What do you mean?" I asked "she just not as herself as she normally is she's pulling a you right now." She tells me "oh that's probably because she got in a fight today at school." I tell them I mean yea I was upset that she got into a fight but she did it for a reason right? "She got in a fight?" Andy said "yea." I tell her "and your okay with it?" Vic asked "no I'm not I'm okay with the reason she got into it." I tell them "what was the reason?" Andy asked "Andrea." I tell them and they both nodded. "I'm gonna go check on her." I say and walk up to the gym. When I get to the gym I stand at the door for a few minutes watching her. They were right she is just like me when I get stressed or I worry about something I run. I ran a lot when Scarlett asked if she could join the track team because I didn't want the same thing that happened to me to happen to her and it almost did if I had known lane was the coach I could have changed it sooner. But to see her do exactly what I do it scares me. I understand why she runs when something happens but I just wish she didn't. I watch as she slows down to a stop and gets off. She wraps her hands and gets ready to go at it on the punching bag she doesn't seem to notice I'm here and I don't make it known I'm there I just want to see where this goes. As she starts punching I can see her anger start to spiral as she punches harder each time and keeps going. As I start to see tears run down her face I know it's time to stop her.

Scarlett's POV
As I'm punching the bag I feel tears start to come to my eyes making it hard to see. As they start streaming down my face I feel a hand on my shoulder but I shrug it off and try to continue when I feel someone wrap both arms around me and hug me from behind I manage to pull a headphone out "let go of me." I say "no it's okay." I hear a female voice "scar sweetheart calm down." I hear my mom say in my ear as I'm pulling away from her trying to get out of her arms "let go I'm fine." I tell her she manages to pick me up and takes me to her bunk and finally lets me go. "Get out of my way mom I'm find." I tell her "there was no need to drag me out of the gym." I continue with tears still streaming down my face all I wanted right now was to be alone away from everyone "I can't do that. What's going on scar." She asked me "I..I..I don't know..." I stutter out "come on kiddo tell me." She said "I...I...I c..c..can't...b..breathe..." I stutter again "okay look at me." She says and leads me to the bed "follow my breathing okay in 1..2..3..and out 3..2..1" she tells me "good eyes on me. No on me eyes forward. There you go." She says I slow calm down "good job kiddo" she says "mom what was that?" I asked her not really understanding what happened "that was an anxiety attack" she tells me I just nod. 

After an hour later mom got off and we were able to go to the hospital to see Andi. "Okay kiddo time to talk." Mom said as we got in the car "can't it wait till after we see Andi please?" I asked "I guess but we will have that talk." Mom tells me I nod.

Once we get to the hospital I run out of the car and into the hospital "Scarlett slow down!" I hear mom yell but continue running. I get to Andi room and walk in there are doctors and nurses everywhere "mama?" I say walking in "Bambina where's your mom?" Mama asked "she's on her way" I tell her "what's going on." I asked  "she's got to go back into surgery." She tells me I just nod. Mom got there and mama told her what was going on so it was more waiting.

After Andi got out of surgery we all sat around her bed hoping for the best. About 6 pm I hear mom say  "Okay come on scar time to go." Mom says "I don't want to go." I say "visiting hours are almost over we can come back tomorrow." She says getting up "no." I said I know that I shouldn't have but I didn't want to leave I had a feeling that Andi was gonna wake up tonight and I want to be there when she does. "Scarlett now." She said "no mom not yet." I said  as I held Andi hand and it feels like it moved "do it again Andi." I say in a low voice "Scarlett come on." Mom said "just wait a second." I say with a little attitude I feel her hand move again and her eyes slowly open "hey your okay" I say she just looked around the room with a scared look "moms look." I say " oh Bambina your awake" mama said "hey baby girl." Mom said "I'll get a doctor." Mama said "she's okay." I say

A/N: hey everyone hope you guys like it also look for my new book the chapter will be out tonight or tomorrow it's called "Big sisters always win"

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