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The only emotion Iris could feel was worry

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The only emotion Iris could feel was worry. She was worried about Bella. She was worried about Scott. She was worried about her pack. She was just worried.

To make matters even worse, she had lost loads of weight throughout the past two months that she had been with Charlie and Bella. It was close to the levels that she suffered with during the time of the Deadpool. She had briefly wondered whether she should call Isaac or Brett but had decided against it. They had their own problems, they didn't need Iris adding to the list.

Bella had opened up tremendously since Iris had been around. She wasn't sure if it was her or Jake that was doing it though. Bella had gone back to wearing jeans and tight fitting t-shirts instead of baggy tracksuits and oversized hoodies. Iris was extremely happy for her cousin, even if it was at her own expense.

"Iris?" Bella questioned, leaning against her doorframe. She has a small smile on her face, looking more relaxed than Iris had ever seen her.

"Yeah? What's up?" Iris staggers to her feet, hiding the bottle of painkillers behind her back. She has an awful headache and is slowly getting iller since she isn't eating well due to stress and worry. However, she didn't want anyone to find out and worry so was doing her best to conceal it. It wasn't her they needed to worry about. It was Bella.

"I invited some friends from school and Jake to the movies tonight. Charlie told me to ask you to come so do you want to come?" Bella muttered, putting her hands in her pockets awkwardly. Iris grins. There were two weeks left of school but Iris had enough credits from Beacon Hills thanks to Lydia making her attend extra classes because 'she had a brain somewhere in there'. She had taken her time in Forks off to recover and heal from the Deadpool whilst also supporting Bella.

"Sure! I'd love to come, what time is it?" Iris grins happily. She felt like Bella was starting to accept her a bit more into her life and heart, a thought which made her overjoyed.

"8. I'll take you in the truck so make sure you're ready."

Iris spent two hours getting ready. She wanted to look perfect and not make a fool of herself in front of Bella's friends. They clearly meant a lot to her, so Iris suppressed her horrendous headache and covered up her bags. There was no way anyone was going to notice that she was fading away. They didn't care about her that much.

The ride to the cinema was silent. Bella didn't say anything and Iris was too busy trying to get rid of her headache to care. She was just happy to be included for once. Bella went to get the tickets and Iris was left with Jake and a boy with blue eyes. Apparently all of Bellas other friends had cancelled.

"Are you okay Iris?" Jake asks, his eyes following Bella around the cinema. Iris grins and nods as she takes her seat next to him. Bella was sandwiched in the middle of the two boys, and they had both rested their hands on the armrest. Iris found it quite funny that Bella only wanted a boy who had broke her heart and run off.

The movie wasn't anything special. It was supposed to be a horror, but it only made Iris laugh and think about the adventures she had experienced with her friends. She missed them every day and it made her heart ache.

"I'm sorry," Mike suddenly retches and bolts from his seat. Bella is up immediately and after him leaving Jake and Iris to follow. She makes a funny face to Jake but he doesn't laugh like he usually does. Instead he frowns and shrugs her away. Iris's smile drops and she follows him to where Bella and Mike are.

"What's up with you?" Jake asks harshly, "Movie too scary for the little baby." Iris shakes her head at him, willing him to stop. Bella frowns at him as she tries to coordinate peace between the two boys.

"Guys, calm down," Iris hisses, "You're making a scene." The two boys stop briefly to stare at her before Mike seethes.

"Shut up. You're only here because Bella told me how much of a whore you were and how easy you were to get."

Iris freezes. She feels her heart drop to her stomach and her eyes well with tears. Jake let's out what seems like a growl as he punches Mike hard in the nose, sending him flying.

"Jake," Bella screeches, "Are you okay? This isn't like you, what's wrong?" Jake doesn't reply, and Iris presses the back of her hand to his head.

"Jake, you're burning up," Iris frets, "Let me take you home, please." She is worried for her friend, the temperature he is emitting can't be normal.

"Don't be stupid Iris," Bella snaps, "Jake doesn't want you taking him home. I'll take you Jakey." Jake shakes his head and steps away from everyone.

"No, I'll be fine, please, just stay away, I don't want you to get ill too."

Then he is gone. He sprints out of the door, leaving two heartbroken girls. Iris turns to Bella who has tears in her eyes.

"He'll be fine Bella," she says softly, "He's just got a little bug. We'll see him again before we know it." She is trying to comfort her cousin as they make their way from the cinema. Bella sniffles, wiping her eyes with her jacket.

"I don't need your reassurance Iris," she seethes, "I just want Jake."

A.N- Please leave some feedback and any ideas you have for this story! I am waiting until they realise that Jake is a shifter 👀👀

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