Chapter 26 - Ghosts of the Past: Part 5

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   Rachel was starting to regain consciousness. Exactly what happened to her prior, she could not remember too clearly. What little she did remember was her friends, the masters they were meant to train under, and her falling. Once she was awake, she looked at her surroundings, but soon wished she had not. The hard mattress with a bedframe that was barely holding together, a cramped room, a dresser with a mirror on top; this was her bedroom.
   Oh please don't tell me... Rachel pleaded to herself.
   She slowly walked to her door and reached for the doorknob. Her heart skipped a bit, sweat started to drip down her head, and her breath nearly stopped. Grabbing onto the knob, she opened the door and saw a loft area of the house. There was a dull red couch, a small black desk, a bookshelf combined with a television stand, several paintings hanging on the wall, and an opening toward the living room.
   Something...feels wrong, Rachel told herself.

   Walking down the stairs, Rachel felt her heart sinking. She looked around and slowly moved through the living room.
   "Hello Rachel," said a female voice with a bit of a thick country accent. "Lovely to see you."
   Rachel's heart completely sank at the sound of the voice. She turned around to see it was an elderly woman who looked younger than she was letting on. Her eyes were blue, her hair was dirty blond and reached her shoulders, her eyebrows seemed to be painted with makeup, and a few small scars on her collarbone.
   "Miss Kim..." Rachel said with a bit of disdain in her voice.
   "What's wrong sweetheart," asked Kim. "Are you hiding something?"
   "N-No," Rachel responded. "W-Where's Poppy?"
   "Right here," said a gruff voice from Rachel's left side.
   She turned to see her grandfather with an unreadable expression. Everything about this was setting Rachel's instincts into overdrive.
   "Come on Rachel," Kim said. "We were about to set up a meeting for you. You have to practice your skills, young lady."
   "N-No..." Rachel snapped nervously.
   "What did you say," Kim responded.
   "I-I-I s-s-said, N-No," Rachel repeated.
   When she gave her answer, Rachel saw the eyes of her grandparents glowy pure red and their expressions were that of rage. She soon realized these were not her grandparents and ran as fast as she could toward the connected kitchen. Her grandparents, despite their appearances, were faster than she thought, but Rachel was able to make it through the door. When she opened the door, Rachel saw the house was suspended in the air. Rachel screamed and she began panicking; she could hear the couple behind her and lept out of the house and plummeted downward.

   Rachel continued screaming but she held her eyes completely shut. For about three minutes, she continued to scream.
   "How long do you plan on screaming," asked a calm voice.
   Rachel stopped once he heard the voice and turned to see it was one of the Masters she and the other rangers met before. This one had white hair, yellow eyes, wearing a Chang Pao, and held a book in his hands.
   "Y-Y-You..." Rachel stammered.
   "Oh, apologies," said the Master as he extended a hand. "I am Master Brudo."
   Rachel took Brudo's hand and rose to her feet. To Rachel's surprise, she saw that she was in a room straight out of a fantasy novel.
   "Wow..." she said under her breath.
   "Please excuse the mess, I don't exactly get many guests," Brudo said as he walked to the other side of a cluttered table. "Shall I get you something to drink? Perhaps a snack?"
   "Um...Y-Y-Yes sir," Rachel said as she was trying to get her bearings.
   Brudo went to a fireplace with a kettle hanging above a small fire. Rachel looked around to see many shelves filled to the brim with books.
   "You may read one if you wish," Brudo said as he started to boil water in the kettle.
   She took Brudo on his offer, gently took a book from the shelf, and began reading. The book captivated her, much to Brudo's enjoyment.


   Kaa came to Chell's prison cell, seeing she was in a meditative state. She opened her eyes to see Kaa standing over her.
   "It is time," Kaa said.
   Chell stood up and stretched her body while unflinching. The cell door opened, and Kaa shackled Chell by the wrists. Kaa began to escort Chell through the palace again. This time, it was toward the back of the palace, where an arena lay with a cage surrounding it. Alecia's Oni were growing impatient, reaching through the cage, and screeching like the monsters they are. Cuvier, Condala, and the Shintos were standing at the highest point of the cage. Alecia herself was standing in the center of the arena with her back facing Chell.

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