Chapter 29 - Power Struggle

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   In Alecia's palace, Alecia herself was fuming in rage. She was engaging in combat with her Oni soldiers. Alecia let out a flurry of quick clawed strikes before grabbing an Oni and tossing it like a sack of potatoes. As she fought, Alecia remembered her last encounter with Alex, and what he said.
   "Too easy," said the voice in her head. "Come on!"
   The taunting, the cocky attitude, and the fact she lost that fight made Alecia's temper boil over and she put a lot more force behind her strike. She incorporated kicks into the fight and knocked all of her Oni to the ground and while summoning her aura, she let out a monstrous roar of rage. In less than a moment, the Oni were evaporated into dust, and she breathed heavily. Kaa entered the room and bowed without saying a word.
   "Rise Kaa," Alecia said.
   "If I may speak freely milady," Kaa asked.
   "Granted," she answered.
   "I shan't pretend I know your anger, milady," Kaa began. "However, what I do know, is if you take your frustrations out on our soldiers, then we will not have enough to fight the Rangers anymore. Speaking of which..."

   Kaa snapped his fingers as a female-shaped Oni came into the room. She had black fur with white markings, large pouches of fur on her legs that resembled bell bottoms, a large bushy tail, clawed hands, and armor around her upper body. Alecia sniffed and winced at a strange smell. Kaa was visibly disturbed by the stench as well.
   "I am Mephiti of the Skunk Totem," the Oni explained. "At your service Milady."
   "By disturbing the Rangers' senses, they may be hindered," Kaa explained.
   Alecia took a breath to calm herself before looking at the new Oni.
   "Very well," Alecia said. "Keep the Rangers occupied."
   "As you wish Milady," Mephiti said as she walked out of the room.
   As she did, Cuvier and Condala came through the door and strode up to Alecia and Kaa. Alecia was sneering and growling at her teachers.
   "You sorry excuses for masters," Alecia boasted. "You taught me all you know, and still the Rangers prevail!"
   "You're blaming us," Cuvier said in a low tone before throwing a massive punch.
   Alecia ducked and kicked Cuiver's fist as Condala lept into the air and came down with a knee strike. However, Alecia rolled out of the way and came with a flying punch to her face. But she was not done, as she landed a jump kick to Cuvier's cheek.
   "Yes...I say I do blame you," Alecia growled. "Never forget that I know how to defeat you easily now."

   With anger, broken pride, and sadness, the masters walked out of the room, and Cuiver reached an epiphany.
   "Her words hold water," Cuvier said. "We are in desperate need of power."
   "Perhaps there is one means..." Condala said with hesitance. "I...Hesitate to suggest it."
   Cuvier looked at the Condor Master with the same look in his eyes. They began walking away again, pondering what exactly they would do next.


   Chell's dojo was a mess with the noise of the Rangers training. They were essentially doing a battle royal. Alex came for Richard first with a flying knee, but Richard bucked out of the way and threw him into Rachel and Faith. The girls caught Alex and kicked him in the stomach soon after. The duo followed up by tossing Alex away, but he recovered with a series of flips. Daric came in with a heavy fist at Alex which he barely avoided.
   "Hey, why's everyone gaining up on me," Alex asked.
   Richard did not answer as he was going after Rachel and Faith.
   "Sorry man," Daric said as he kept punching. "Every. One. For. Them. Selves."
   Seeing an opening Alex ducked under and kicked Daric in the chest. Daric staggered back and Alex charged in with a flying knee to the face and stomped him to the ground before jumping back to the others.

   Meanwhile, Chell was holding her collarbone while looking at the project she had been developing for the past few months. The project was an ovate-shaped silver object that had smooth curvature, purple highlights, the Brotherhood's insignia, and a slit across the bottom portion.
   Why'd I even make this thing, she thought. I...I can't...
   Chell let out a soft sigh as she set the object on the desk. A moment later, she turned to see the fighting between her students. Shaking her head, Chell lept down from the loft area and landed between all of them. Alex was the first to notice something was not quite right about Chell; her posture was more intimidating, she did not have her usual lightheartedness on her face, and she did not make sly remarks.
   "Jeeze Chell, what'd you do that for," Richard asked with a bit of attitude.
   Alex panicky tried to signal Richard to stop, but it was too late, as Chell was glaring at Richard with what looked like a demon enveloped in shadows. Instantly, Richard grew pail, and the rest of the Rangers quickly ran away. In less than a minute, Chell reassembled herself and was panting heavily with wide eyes.
   "S-Sorry, sorry..." Chell panicked. "I'm sorry..."
   "Chell..." Alex said. "W-What's going on? You've been acting different since our last fight with Alecia."
   "I...I don't think I..." Chell stammered.
   Rachel was the first one to come to Chell and hug her. This confused her at first, but she soon got the idea. The other Rangers came to her side soon after, and she started to feel a little weight off her shoulders sheading off.
   "Oh, nearly forgot," Alex said. "I gotta go run an errand for my grandpa."
   "Same for my mom," Richard said. "I'll be back as soon as I can."
   "Wait, what errand," Faith called out.
   "Meds," the boys said in unison as they left the dojo.
   Chell chuckled after thirty seconds and smiled a bit.
   Loyal to a fault those boys, Chell told herself.

Power Rangers Jungle Forceजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें