Chapter 12 - Birds of a Feather

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   Chell's dojo was echoing with the sounds of Richard sparing with the other Rangers. Rachel charged in first with a punch, but Richard grabbed her by the wrist and tossed her to the ground. Richard focused on attacking Alex who blocked him attacks with clawed strikes and kicks. Daric grabbed Richard from behind and threw him away. Snarling like his animal totem, Richard ran back with a flying knee to Daric's jaw. It caused Daric to stagger and fall back, but he was jumped by Faith and Rachel from above with flying kicks. They managed to harm Richard by sending him tumbling down to the ground. With another growl, more angrily this time, Richard went low to the ground and struck Faith and Rachel in their sides, forcing them to fall in pain. Alex was the only one left and saw how much Richard had changed. He broke a drop of sweat on his forehead and waited for Richard to make a move. Richard snarled and roared with clawed strikes and spin kicks. Alex blocked with his arms and legs and countered with an elbow. When they clashed, they held their hands and saw Richard's angry face.

   "Richard," Alex groaned. "RICHARD!!"
   Alex forced him back, and Richard coughed before his head began to come back around. He looked to Alex and shook his head.
   "A-Alex, I..." Richard hesitated. "Ah, my head. W-What happened?"
   "You went berserk," Rachel snapped. "My sides feel like they're bleeding."
   "Same here," Faith added with a groan.
   "What happened to you," Daric asked as he sat up.
   "Chell what's going on down there," Chell announced from her workstation.
   "Richard went ballistic on us," Alex explained.

   Chell raised an eyebrow and leaped down and began to walk towards the Rangers.
   "Well, there's been many, many different occasions where a Brotherhood's totem merged with themselves." Chell began. "The phenomenon varies from person to person, but the end result is the same?"
   "What end result," Faith asked.
   "The user's totem has characteristics of their totem appear," Chell answered bluntly.
   Alex's eyes widened at Chell's answer because he knew about real-world Komodo Dragons. Chell continued to look over Richard for a few seconds before thinking of an idea. She went to one side of the training mats and took a fighting stance.
   "Come at me Richard," Chell said.
   "Por Que," Richard asked.
   "You heard me," Chell said. "Come at me."
   Richard took his stance again once the other had left the mat and to fight Chell. Chell used one hand to fight while Richard became frustrated with attacks being reflected. Alex and the others watched with intensity in hopes of learning something.


   Alecia's palace grew louder with each passing day. Alecia was training in the throne room with Condala.
   "Remember, my student," Condala began. "You can destroy anyone from a singular point. All you have to do is determine where that spot is."
   Alecia summoned her snow leopard armor and took a ready position. The two began their attacks with Alecia starting with a backhand but were countered by Condala with a grab. She twisted Alecia around, but Alecia swept Condala's legs and missed when she jumped back to the top wall. Pushing herself off of the wall, Condala dove in to strike, somewhat like a luchador wrestler. Alecia tried to counter with a jumping spin kick, but Condala angled herself mid-decent to avoid the attack and hit Alecia in the side. The strike caused her to land on the ground hard.
   "Is that all you could handle," Condala taunted.
   "I'm not done," Alecia snarled.
   She summoned energy into her hands and feet and launched herself to Condala. Condala met her in the air, and the two began to trade blows above the throne room floor. Alecia's movement was as fast as light; throwing punches and kicks at Condala, but Condala was just as fast with her arm guards. In between her attacks, Alecia was struck in the chest with a clawed strike. Her armor faded as she fell to the ground with a hard thud.
   "Your guard needs work," Condala said before floating to the ground. "No wonder your forces keep being defeated. Fortunately for you, the soldiers I sent for will be here soon."

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