Chapter 19 - Those You Call Family Part I

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   Chell stood in the center of the dojo's training mat with her eyes closed, and a smirk on her face. Her attire was a purple tank top and loose black yoga pants. In her hands was a training sword that was 14 inches in total length. Alex and the other Rangers stood with practice versions of their weapons.
   "Okay boys and girls," Chell said as she twirled her weapon. "You all know the drill."
   Richard looked at Alex first, and Alex nodded silently at him. With that, Richard rushed Chell first. He began with a flying knee, but Chell evaded by side-stepping. She then came with an overhead slash with her shortsword, but Richard ducked out of the way. Chell then sweep-kicked Richard, causing him to fall back. Faith fired a suction cup arrow a Chell, be she caught it with her fingers, but it did take her attention away from Richard. Daric swung his hammer at Chell, aiming for her chest, but she bent backward, causing Daric's momentum to set him off balance. Chell kicked Daric in the temple while holding her balance with her open hand. Rachel flipped over Daric and Chell landing in front of her master. She tried to sweep Chell off balance, but Chell used a breakdancing trick called Windmills. Thankfully for Rachel, Chell missed each kick. Alex leaped into the air and came with a downward slash, but Chell guarded with her machete. Chell grinned while showing her teeth, and forced Alex away from her and Rachel threw her fans like a pair of boomerangs.

   Chell swerved out of the way and focused her attention on Alex. Alex fought like a regular sword fighter, but Chell was using an unorthodox style that Alex has only seen in shows or video games. Chell managed to knock the sword out of Chell's hands after four strikes. Taking advantage of Alex's bewilderment, Chell grabbed Alex's wrist and twisted his arm around his back before holding her weapon to his throat. Faith held an arrow at the ready, but Chell had not forgotten about her.
   "I wouldn't do that Faith," Chell said. "My theoretical blade is right at his throat. One of you tries to come for him, he's dead."
   Faith's eyes widened as she tried to think of a way out, but she loosened the arrow and fell to her knees.
   "Not too bad guys," Chell said as she released Alex and helped everyone onto their feet.
   "You guys really made me work for that one. Haven't had a challenge like that since I trained under Master Saffie."
   "Glad to remind you of good times," Daric said as he held his head. "Ow...Head..."
   "What was the point of this exercise," Faith asked. "You had us in a corner, nothing we could do so, what was..."
   "The idea was to let you know that your enemy will use your emotions against you," Chell answered. "I understand that it's a dick move, but that's Alecia's bread and butter. If one of you ever goes through that, you have a choice to make. And sometimes the right choice, maybe the one that'll turn your stomach."
   The rangers looked down sadly, but Rachel looked back at Alex. Alex was looking at the hand he used in training, reflecting on Chell's words and her fighting style. As Rachel was about to talk to him, Alex clenched his fist and began to put all of the weapons away.

   Chell saw Alex's quiet behavior and was beginning to regret her lesson. Alex went to gather his backpack and pulled out his phone. Scrolling through, Alex's attention was drawn to a text message his grandfather sent him.
   "Uh, Chell," Alex called out. "My grandfather needs me to pick up some medicine."
   "Understood Alex," Chell said with a relieved expression. "Go and help your family."
   Alex picked up his belongings and exited the dojo, leaving his friends with Chell.
   "Uh, guys," Chell said. "Why don't you take the rest of the day to reflect?"
   "What," asked the Rangers in unison.
   "Look, you all seem visibly disturbed," Chell explained. "Just take some time for yourselves, and relax. We'll train again another day."
   Richard nodded and grabbed his belongings before leaving. Faith and Daric left soon after, leaving Rachel alone in the Dojo.
   "Rachel," Chell asked. "What's wrong?"
   "I...I don't wanna go home..." Rachel said nervously.
   Rachel did not answer, but Chell could get a general idea of what she was feeling.
   "Come with me," Chell said as she strolled out of the kitchen.
   Rachel followed Chell to the upper level of the dojo. There was a closet full of neatly folded sheets, blankets, and soft pillows.
   "These should work," Chell said as she pulled out a fluffy blanket and a pillow. "You can sleep here tonight. I can try to pull out a sleeping mat because the couch can be a little uncomfortable."
   "Chell..." Rachel hesitated.
   "Hey, I get it," Chell said as she held Rachel's shoulders. "You're not the only one who has a dysfunctional family."
   Rachel hugged Chell as she held the pillow and blanket while tearing up. Chell returned the sentiment with a hug of her own.

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