"Havelock, one day, I hope that I am as intelligent as you are, the acquired knowledge you have buried in your head, the culmination of the human sciences. It is valuable, and enables you to protect the things you love, your people... a gift I would do anything for..." She held her hand up to his cheek and felt the heat from his face

"Funny... if I was as strong as you, I'd be able to save you from Caroline... or anything else that wanted you dead,"

She stood and gave him a light, caring pat on the face "I guess we'll have to stick together then, cover our bases..." The hound winked and turned away "let me fetch you that drink"

As Sif headed for the door, Havelock gave her a little wave and a word of encouragement.

"...oh good, thank you..."

Sif froze in the doorway, turning back to him like a soldier standing at attention.

"Sif? You alright?"


"Then why are you standing there?"

She held her hands by her chest, fiddling with the gloves on her fingers. "...Good what..."

Havelock stared forward for an entire moment, his eyes roaming around the room as if looking for the joke until finally, he latched onto the barest understanding of what she meant with a good natured smirk ".........Girl?"

Sif blushingly smiled and averted her golden eyes, tail moving side to side. Then, without a word, she nodded and left the room.

Before today, Lancard had never known the limitations of his flesh, he had not quite understood that thing which held him back. His back used to ache, his knees used to crack, there used to be a fuzzy part in his left eye. When he was young, he pushed himself time and time again, searching for that peak potential that would win him the next fight, or that would prolong his life a moment longer. He had a rigorous routine, which involved weightlifting, climbing, and running, hurting his lungs and stretching his muscles. He was far stronger than an average man, and although he had four times the muscle, he was only twice the size of one of his own guards. Compared to this? All of that was pointless.

Lancards pores seeped slightly with a wispy, dusty smoke as if he had converted into a chimney. He subtly billowed the injuries of his past away in a few fleeting moments, he felt young again, not like an adult, but like a child, unburdened by the weights of the world, free to jump and run as long as it was fun. In just a moment he could take in all of his surroundings, the cages, the streets, the people, but most of all, he could see straight down that narrow pier that led to Caroline's ship.

"Wrong choice Captain..." Caroline said, reaching for the axe on her back and unhooking it from the various straps that held it in place. He'd never seen it in action before, and had a sneaking suspicion he wouldn't enjoy a demonstration

"You're an idiot if you thought I'd do anything but protect my friends Caroline,"

"Friends with that dog? That abomination?"

"With Havelock and the people of Lothorn... and yes, Sif too I suppose, she's done her fair share of bad, I'll admit... but I know how to forgive. War made monsters of all of us Caroline, but you wouldn't know, hiding in your ship while Lothorn tore itself apart,"

His voice sounded different, stronger, more resonant, it was free of his woes and trials, and felt powerful enough to shout someone to death, and at this rate, he just might've. Caroline scoffed at his bravado and started to circle him like a predator, eyeing him up in terms of optimal weak points and strategic advantages.

"The civil war wasn't my place to interfere, human conflicts aren't hunter business,"

"You sat still in your ship while we worked ourselves to death, we fought in the streets to eat a meal that night, we raged for days, fought, and died, while our superhuman monster-killer did nothing,"

Silver Hound, Black MoonWhere stories live. Discover now