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I usually just watch the boys play cricket but today I decided to join in and it was really fun I was bowling because the boys said it was the easiest and I believed them until I got pelted with a cricket ball right to the chest.

I fell to the ground and it hurt but I know I will be fine. Riley came running over and so did the rest of the boys I just got winded but Riley didn't believe that I was fine and made me go inside I stood up but soon ended back on the ground because I got dizzy and fell into one of the boys I don't know who but it was one of Riley's good mates.

I just felt like the weight of the world was on my shoulders and I felt sick and then nothing. I heard  someone that I'm guessing was Riley yell Charlie wake up and when I did I was on the cricket pitch my head resting gently against Riley's leg .Riley said Charlie can you breath y yess I said still shaking Riley it hurts what does char said Riley my chest.

He very gently pulled down the top of my top to get a look at my chest it was black and blue but he didn't tell me that because he didn't want to scare me but he quickly got me to my feet and tried to get me to walk but I couldn't my legs gave way under me and if Riley wasn't standing by my side I would have hit the sand. He caught me and picked me up it's going to be okay Riley whispered in my ear as he ran back to the hospital with me cradled in his arms.

We got through the hospital doors and as soon as we did my nurse, nurse nova ran over and said what happened this time. She got pelted in the chest with a cricket ball and passed out her chest is turning black and blue he whispered to nurse nova so I couldn't hear. Take her to her room I will bring doctor star. He made it to the children's ward and put me gently down onto the bed and tried to run out the door to find nurse nova but I latched onto his arm with all my strength I managed to say please don't leave me. And Riley said never char I won't leave you and he clutched onto my hand and held it until the doctor was done.

He said I should be fine but I need to rest and take it easy. He gave Riley a compression bandage and brace to wrap around my chest to try and stop it from swelling up. When Dc star and nurse nova left the room I burst into tears and Riley said what's wrong char I don't know I sniffled he hugged me and didn't let go.

Riley layed down in the bed with me. I layed in his lap my head resting on his chest I fell asleep. But he had to wake me up to put on the computation bandage and the brace he gently lifted me up and pulled up my shirt to see my chest it was bruised beyond recognisable but he wouldn't let me see it I tried to see it but he shielded it from my view he wrapped the bandage around my bruised chest being careful not to push or pinch me because when he did I burst into almost immediate tears he stopped whenever I did and repeatabley said sorry he said we can stop finish later but I said no it needs to be done.

He gently finished wrapping up my chest and then he put on the brace and gently pulled my shirt back over my head and gently slid it down my chest. I cried and cried into his arms until I fell asleep. I heard the nurse come in and say Riley had to go but when she saw me. my face was all puffy from crying my tears were still present on my face when she saw I was asleep she said she had a bad enough day she needs you right now. Nurse star left and I cuddled in closer to Riley his warmth comforting.

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