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Fuck this... I said to myself as I watched myself getting knocked out over and over again in the sports' Youtube channel. It's been a week since my fight with Chandler and people can't seem to stop talking about it.

Like, why can't they focus on other important news like Jung Chan Sung finally fighting for the featherweight title again, or Conan McBride's comeback? I get it, Chandler's one of the best and I wanted to be there with him and I paid the prize.

I watched in disgust as they kept replaying my knockout loss over and over again while they stake their claims on what might happen next.

"Han Eunsu is a talented fighter, but he has a long way to go if he wants to become champion..." one host said, at least he was nice.

"Honestly speaking, I don't see anything in him that would make him a champion..." the other one said, a former fighter from what I recalled.

Says the bastard who kept losing his title bouts... I cussed him out. I locked off my smartphone, put it in my pocket and caught my breath to calm my nerves as I awaited the arrival of one of my junior teammates.

I decided to take some time off from fighting and focused on helping out at the gym. With everything I learned back in Thailand, I was able to share my knowledge on some of the gym's veterans and new fighters.

One of these fighters was a certain Kim Doyeon. A tall, slim, and pretty girl. Underneath that beauty was a hardworking and determined young woman. She was everything you wanted for an athlete. I've had my eyes on the young girl for sometime now and I honestly would've asked her out if it wasn't for her boyfriend at that time. Their break-up recently was quite a surprise to everyone that knew her.

A lot of us thought they were gonna get married at some point. The lad was quite handsome if you asked me. I wonder what went wrong. What was his name again? Lee Mindong or Lee Dongmin? Yeah, something like that. I know she lives somewhere nearby and I just sit down on this park bench just waiting for her and let the cool morning air of Seoul enter my system.

"선배님, 안녕하세요."

I looked towards the direction of where the female voice came from and there she was. I bowed down to her as well and greeted her good morning. I took this short time to check the young girl out.

Long brown hair, white jacket, tight yellow shorts, she looked beautiful as always. I don't think there was ever a time Doyeon looked ugly, even on her debut when she got bruised in her debut fight which she narrowly won.

And of course, that pretty face of hers. I can only wonder how any man could not fall for such a girl. "So what's the drill today, sunbaenim?" she asked me.

"We're going to start with a 4 kilometer run in this park." I told her.

"H-how do we do that?" she asked me, with a little bit of hesitance in her tone.

"Easy, I checked in my Naver maps how long was each road surrounding this park and it said one road was at least 250 meters. Do the math, we multiply it 4 it becomes 1000 meters which equals to 1 kilometer. And if we do 4 laps that makes it 4 kilometers." I explained to her like a math teacher all of a sudden.

She nodded in astonishment as I finished my explanation. I did tell her that we would have to stretch first and she simply agreed. I instructed Doyeon with our stretching routine, starting with the head, neck, shoulders, arms, hips, legs, and lastly our feet.

When we finished, I told Doyeon to take the lead and I will follow pursuit, which she simply agreed to. We start off our run, I let her take the lead and I observe the young athlete's movements.

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