God's Milk Pt. 1

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E: "Wow, this tastes so good. And I feel so alive and energetic!"

"See? I told you, Hyung. With this exclusive product, we'll be unstoppable!"

Before your next training session begins, you were drinking a new brand of milk that was given to you by one of your teammates and you immediately felt its effects into your body. Adrenaline starts to pump within your blood and you couldn't wait to get started...


When the training session was over, you and the other teammates who drank the said milk all were drenched in their sweats but none of you felt tired, as if you could go for another round of 2 hours of intense training. But in the end, you all simply joked about it and went home.

As you were about to throw the bottle, you were able to spot the label's description with a photo of a beautiful looking woman in formal attire.

God's milk is a product dedicated to keeping the consumer healthy with it's miraculous tastes. Fresh from the farm and cleansed with zero additives, God's milk has touched the lives of many of it's consumers for its healthy benefits.

Manufactured by Prof. Park Jihyo

Biologist and Fitness Instructor

You are awestruck at the sight of such beauty. Short hair with big pairs of eyes, and of course she looked cute as well.


MC: "Ladies and gentlemen, referee Oliver James has called a stop to this contest, at six seconds of the very first round. Declaring the winner by KNOCKOUT! HAN "THE DARK HORSE" EUNSU!!!!"

Unbelievable right? Because of your hardwork and regular drinking of the new and exclusive milk product, you had the best training camp and performance to date as you knocked your opponent out cold at the very first punch you threw with a .

As you wrapped up your interview with the host, you made your way back to the locker room with your team and as you arrived, you were surprised at the presence of a woman inside your locker room talking with your head coach. As you approached them closer, you instantly realised who the woman was. Prof. Park Jihyo herself. Although her hair got longer, you recognize her big eyes and pretty face. And of course, her enormous tits, bulging out of her white polo top. You could see from your perspective that she really was beautiful, like in her bottle, except there she was in the flesh.

*snap* "Eunsuya, come here..."

Her beauty made you zone out for a moment that your coach had to snap his fingers to you just to wake you back to the real world as you nervously approached the rather busty Professor.

"Right, so Prof. Park, this is my newest fighter Han Eunsu and I must say, he basically proved how effective your product was after seeing what he just did there..."

E: "Hello, Professor..."

J: "No need to be formal to me, gentlemen. Just call me Jihyo..."

You continue to mingle with the busty Professor and your head coach for quite awhile before...

J: "One last thing Coach Son, can I ask something from you?"


J: "With our sponsorship now a done deal, can I borrow one of your athletes? For my product, of course."

"Sure, I'm pretty sure Eunsu here wouldn't mind. Would you?"

E: "S-sure, I don't mind at all..."

J: "Great! I'll pick you up tomorrow then..."

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