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As I sat in the house, alone. I couldn't help but allow my thoughts to get to me. There was only two people who knew that I killed Andre.

Marcus, and Aaliyah. Right now I knew that Marcus was against me a hundred percent. I sighed and rubbed the sides of my head real frustrated with myself.

If I could go back in time, I would've never shot him. Not because I'm in a sticky situation right now, but because it was wrong. A part of me really thinks I should turn myself in.

While my thoughts were still pending there was a knock on the door. I got up and made my way to open it, but before I could get there the person started pounding on the door, which made my heart leap out of my chest.

I moved in a flash like to the kitchen and picked up my pistol out of the drawer.

My hand shook as I tightened my grip on the Glock. I hesitated for a moment before gathering my courage and walking towards the door. The pounding grew louder and more frantic.

"Who is it?" I called out, trying my best to mask the trembling fear in my voice.

"It's me," came a familiar voice from the other side. It was Aaliyah.

I let out a relieved sigh and quickly unlocked and opened the door. Aaliyah stood in front of me, her eyes wide in concern.

"Are you okay?" she asked, noticing the gun in my hand.

I lowered the gun and explained to her how I had been feeling overwhelmed and paranoid since Andre's death. She listened patiently, her expression never wavering.

Finally, she spoke. "You can't turn yourself in," she said firmly. "Not now. We need time to figure out our next move."

I knew she was right. But the weight of my guilt was getting heavier with each passing day. I didn't know how much longer I could keep this secret from tearing me apart.

"Now, just stay in the house, and chill out ok? I forgot my key." She walked past me and ran upstairs to her room. While I was standing in the doorway a car pulled up.

It looked oddly familiar. The person inside must've saw me, cause they slowed down. I stepped out of the door, lifting my shirt showing the tucked away Glock.

The car sped off, and my body un tensed. After Aaliyah left I laid back down on the couch, and decided to take a small nap.

That was soon interrupted by the sound of what I'm guessing was Anna arriving home. I sat up on the couch and the door opened.

"Hey Ty. Do you know who the car is outside?"

My body tensed up once again. I quickly got up and grabbed my gun off the table and rushed outside. Before I knew it, I was right next to the window of the car. The windows were tinted so I couldn't see anything.

The window rolled down, and it revealed Marcus. "I know it was you, and on our pops imma let everyone know."

I raised my gun and pointed it through the window with my finger on the trigger and all. "You pull back up round here, and I'll kill you."

Before he could say anything else I let off a warning shot, which shattered his other window. He sped off and made a sharp turn down the road. When walking back in the house, I could tell Anna was a little shaken up from the gun shot.

"I'm sorry you had to hear that. Ian kill 'em. Just a warning shot. I don't need him pulling back up here with you and your family here. Which tells me it's not safe for me to be here."

Before Anna knew it, my stuff was packed and I was out of the door. I texted Aaliyah, and explained the situation. For now I was just going to lay low over at Dooda's house. It was most definitely not safe for her and Aaliyah, and I hate that I even put her and her family in that position.

While driving my phone started to ring. It was India. Confusion washed over me, as I thought that I had completely blocked her number, but I guess not.

I reluctantly answered the phone. For a while, the other side was dead silent until she decided to finally say something. "I'm pregnant Ty."

I quickly hung the phone up without even saying anything to her. What in the actual fuck. She was lying. She had to be. Another reason for Qj to want to kill me.

The whole ride to D's, I just felt truly overwhelmed. I hadn't talked to my mom in a while. We had talked when she found out that I put Marcus out, but it wasn't the same.

I pulled my car all the way into the driveway, and told him that I was outside. He texted back that he was coming to open the door.

I sat in the car for a little, just trying to make sure that my head was on straight. D had told me that being reckless would get us caught up, and we both didn't need that in our lives.

Now I have India telling me that she's pregnant. That's another problem for another day.

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