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The door opened, and there stood my little sister. "Mommy! India's home!" she yelped wrapping her arms around me. "Hiii Diamond, you got let me in?" I asked as I laughed holding onto her.

Since I was pregnant, I decided that I definitely needed to go home, and see my mom for advice.

She always supported every choice I've made, but not the choice to leave and go stay with Qj. She hated that I left. She had no one to watch Diamond, and for a while we didn't talk because of it.

"Hiiii baby!" My mom said as she rounded the corner. I smiled and let go of diamond wrapping my arms around my mom.

After all the hugs and kisses my mom gave me, she allowed me inside, and I set my stuff down by the door. I stood in the kitchen while my mom cooked dinner.

"So how have you been?" she asked.

"I've been alright mom. Just been trying to keep myself busy." I responded, hanging my head low.

"We'll have you talked to Aaliyah?"

I shook my head. "We have a mutual understanding, and right now I'm just tryna focus on turning my life around."

"Well I'm proud of you for that. That's great honestly. If you need to stay here for a little while you can, while you tryna get on your feet."

I smiled and nodded. "Thank you mom. Really."

"Have you talked to your sister?" she asked. I could tell she was really hoping that I did. I knew she missed her.

"No I haven't, not in a little while, but mom there's something you should know."

she stopped cutting up the greens and turned my way. "I'm pregnant mom."

Her whole face lit up, and she started jumping up and down squealing. "Yayyy, a baby that I can spoil!! Is it a boy or a girl?? I hope it's a boy. We could use a boy in the family."

I laughed, and shook my head as she went back to cutting up the greens, with a big smile plastered on her face.

After dinner was done, I cleaned the kitchen for my mom.

"It was my dish day, but thankssss." sang diamond as she set her plate in the sink.

"Well this the only time I'm doing your dishes on your day."

She giggled and ran upstairs. I hummed while washing all of the dishes, and the pots. I wiped off the counters, swept the floor, and put all my mothers dry towels away in the hall closet.

"Diamond!! Can you come pull the trash bag so I can take it out?" I yelled from downstairs.

Diamond quickly ran down the stairs, pulled the bag giving me a stank face. "What's that face for??"

"Cause I'm on the phone with my man, and you just interrupted." she whispered with a smirk on her face.

She sat the bag down by the door, and ran back upstairs before I could ask her anything bout her 'man'

I slid on my slides, and put my hoodie back on.

"Mom imma take out the trash!"

I grabbed the black garbage bag, and walked outside. I walked all the way down the steep driveway, opened the lid and put the bag in.

While walking back to the house, a black car pulled up, which made me turn around. The window rolled down, and my body felt frozen.

They let off around six shots. Then the car drove off. My body felt limp, and fell to the ground hard. I could feel blood gushing violently from my mouth as I choked on it all.

I couldn't scream, it felt like I was drowning, and my lungs were giving up on me. As I laid there, still choking on my own blood, I finally felt myself take my last breath, along with my unborn child.

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