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"Ma'am your daughter broke the girls nose. She will need stitches." I sat in the office as my mom talked to the principle about the situation that happened in the hall. I wasn't at fault in my eyes, she came up to me. I was just defending myself.

My phone dinged and it was Deja. A slight smile appeared as I tapped the notification.


' Sistaaa . 🤍

Hey boo! How's it going over there?

Girl I'm miserable, had to put my hands on a hoe for stepping to me.


Yep already. I miss you guys.

Trust, we miss you just as much.


Just as I was about to respond, my mom walked out of the office with the principal in tow. I gathered my books and purse, bracing myself for an imminent suspension. "Young lady, what you did was wrong, and you will apologize to the girl. But for now, you will have to spend some time at home," the principal scolded.

I arched my eyebrows in surprise and couldn't help but let out a little smirk. "With all due respect," I began, but the principal cut me off.

"Don't use that phrase and then say something disrespectful," she chided.

My mom stepped forward, taking my books from me. "Excuse me, but please don't interrupt my daughter. The other girl provoked her, so technically it was self-defense," my mom said, defending me.

With that, we turned around and left the office. My mom wasn't angry with me; in fact, she was proud of me for standing up for myself.

I plopped down on my bed, phone in hand, scrolling through Instagram when Deja and Kayla called me. "Yo, what's up?" I said, answering the call.

"Not much," Deja said, "But you mentioned this guy QJ earlier. Spill the tea."

I couldn't help but grin. "Okay, so he's got these dreads and a sweet smile. And his fashion sense? On point."

Kayla let out a chuckle. "Wow, we never thought we'd see the day where Ana is actually feeling someone."

I rolled my eyes but laughed. "I mean, I'm not that heartless."

Deja jumped in. "So what happened with this 'dude hoes' situation?"

I sighed. "Turns out he's got some girl drama, but I still think he's a catch. He can't be that bad, right?"

Kayla and Deja exchanged a look. "Well, we'll see about that."

Just then, I received a message from my mom saying she'll be home late. "Sorry, have to run, guys. Aaliyah's not home yet, and I'm starving. Talk to you later!"

As I made my way downstairs to the kitchen, my phone pinged again. It was a message from the group chat.

"Ana, seriously, be careful with this guy. You don't want to get mixed up in any drama," Deja warned.

I considered her words for a moment. Maybe she had a point. But for now, I was content with enjoying my small crush on QJ.


The Life I Live.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz