chapter 60

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Harry had magicked James up some clothes for him to wear, the boy was now wearing some red trainers, blue jeans, a blue shirt under a plain black hoodie. Harry had put on black trainers, blue jeans, and a grey shirt under a black hoodie.

"Are you ready to go?" Harry asked James, who did not answer him as he was still looking at his clothes. "James...James...boy." Harry said as he tapped James's shoulder, James's jumped before he turned and saw Harry. "Are you ready to go?" Harry repeated.

"Uh...yes...sir." James meekly nodded.

"Do not call me sir." Harry replied.

"O...ok...w...what should I call you?" He asked, shifting on his feet.

"I can call me dad...or Harry if you want." Harry answered, wondering which one of the options the kid would go for.

"O...okay dad." James replied.

"Are you going to walk or should I carry you?" Harry asked.

"I...I can walk." James answered.

"If you are sure," Harry said as he held his right hand out. "grab my hand." Harry said, James did so and put his small left hand in Harry's. Shadow flew into the room and landed on Harry's shoulder. "This is Shadow," Harry said, introducing Shadow to the wide eyed James. "he is going to take us to the hospital, you just stay calm and hold my hand and you will be fine, alright?"

"Ok." James nodded, his eyes still on Shadow.

"Close your eyes." Harry said, James frowned but did as he was told. "Open them." Harry said about two seconds later. James opened his eyes and blinked as his face took on a shocked look when he found himself no longer in Harry's room but instead outside St Mungo's hospital.

"Wow." James blurted out before he could stop himself.

"Shadow is a shadow raven, he can move through shadows." Harry explained just as Shadow flew off of his shoulder and flew away. "Come on." Harry said as he began walking forward, James hand was still in his own. Harry pulled his hood up, James who saw him quickly did the same thing.

As they walked into the hospital Harry kept his head on a swivel and looked around as much as possible, he was uncomfortable enough with lots of people, it did not help that there was a possibility of Libra or somebody else waiting for him here. Harry felt James slow down slightly, he glanced down at the boy to see he was also looking around but in his case it looked more out of fear. Harry sighed before he let go of James hand, James stopped immediately but before he could say anything Harry had picked him up by the waist, James arms instinctively wrapped around Harry's neck, once that was done Harry began walking again with James body relaxing ever so slightly.

The two soon found themselves waiting in a line of people at the receptionist desk, nobody in front of them looked back and nobody behind them could see their faces so that meant they had some free undisturbed time. Eventually Harry and James were able to get to the receptionist desk.

"Hello, how can St Mungo's help you today?" The bored woman at the desk asked without looking up.

"I want a healer to look at my son." Harry answered.

"What is wrong with your son?" She asked as she began filling out a form without looking up.

"I don't know if there is anything wrong with him, I want a healer to check if he is fine." Harry replied.

"Name and date of birth of the child?" She asked in a bored voice.

"My son's name is James and I don't know when he was born but he is apparently six."

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