chapter 14

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"E...excuse me" A nervous voice said, Harry who was sitting in the library and waiting for Delphi had looked up to see two Slytherin girls standing in front of him. Their names were Daphne Greengrass and Tracy Davis if he remembered them correctly

"Can I help you?" Harry asked

"W...well I'm Daphne Greengrass and this is Tracy Davis" Daphne introduced herself and her friend " you know, we're Slytherin's in your year and we've been present every time you came to our common room."

"I miss the part that answered my question, how can I help you?" Harry repeated, Daphne and Tracy looked a bit more nervous

"W...well, we were hoping to become your friends" Tracy said

"What? You want to be my friends?" Harry snorted "Cut to the chase and tell me what you want"

"But we are..."

"Cut to the chase" Harry interrupted "or stop wasting my time"

"Okay, fine" Daphne sighed "you're strong and dangerous and all of Slytherin is scared of you, me and Tracy are having a hard time in Slytherin. Tracy because she's a half-blood and me because the boys want me because of my family name and fortune. We were hoping that with you with you as an ally, we'd..."

"Have less trouble from the other Slytherin's" Harry finished for her "see, that wasn't so hard. Now first of all, you know that I plan to leave this bloody school the second my fifth year is finished?"

"Yes but that won't stop the Slytherin's from being scared of you" Tracy replied "if we just threaten them with you popping in to pay a visit then they'll back off. Plus, if you're interested then we really will be your friends"

"I have more friends than I could be bothered with at the moment" Harry sighed "but Delphi has been bothering me about not making friends, so I suppose we're friends. Quick question, don't I scare you?"

"Oh you absolutely terrify us" Daphne reassured him

"But we figured it's better to be with you than against you" Tracy added

"Hi Harry" Delphi said as she walked up to them

"Delphi, I made two friends" Harry gestured to Daphne and Tracy

"What?!" Delphi blurted out in shock

"That's right" Harry grinned "Friendship motherfucker"

"Harry that's brilliant!"

"And you doubted me" Harry smirked

"Harry, you doubted yourself" Delphi reminded him "you said you'd never be able to make friends"

"And I just proved myself wrong" Harry realised "Damn it!"

Harry found himself sitting in defence class with Delphi at his side plus Tracy and Daphne behind him. Lockhart entered and Harry couldn't help roll his eyes as he saw Lockhart walk by a painting of Lockhart making another painting of Lockhart. Harry thought that the man was a bit too clean and happy for someone who has apparently been constantly fighting dark creatures and wizards.

"Well, let's if you're right about him being a useless idiot" Delphi whispered to him

"A galleon says I am" Harry whispered back

"You're on" Delphi shook his hand, signifying her acceptance

"Look at Granger" Daphne gestured to Hermione Granger who was swooning at the very sight of him. Harry wasn't sure if he should pity the man or laugh.

"Let me introduce you to your new defence against the dark arts teacher, me" Lockhart started "Gilderoy Lockhart, order of Merlin, third class. Honorary member of the dark force defence league and five time winner of witch weekly's most charming smile award" Lockhart flashed his bright teeth at the class.

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