chapter 66

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"Come on, move it you freak!" Vernon Dursley, Harry's muggle uncle, hissed as he, along with his wife Petunia and his son Dudley walked through a forest, Dudley helpfully shoving the freak when he would slow down. "Move it!" Vernon hissed, walking along with a shovel in his hands.

"I am trying." A young Harry weakly protested, in his mind it was hardly his fault if he couldn't keep up after getting hit so much and not being allowed to eat for the whole day.

"Don't talk back!" Aunt Petunia said, slapping the back of his head, nearly causing him to trip over and fall on his face but he was fortunately able to avoid it, though barely. And it was lucky that he did as Harry knew that the Dursley's would not be happy if he made them waste any more time than was strictly necessary.

Harry didn't know what exactly the Dursley's were doing or why they had brought him here. Where was here? Harry had no bloody idea at all, all he really knew was that they were in a forest. Something which was odd enough on its own as the three Dursley's hated forests and wildlife. Uncle Vernon hated it for various reasons, one of which was because civilised people stayed in houses, Aunt Petunia hated it quite simply because it was dirty and full of mud and insect, Dudley hated it because he would quite simply rather be at home and watching TV.

Harry's Uncle Vernon was a big, beefy man with a large purple face. He had thick, dark hair, a bushy black moustache (half of which he tore out through frustration on two occasions), with hardly any neck and mean little eyes that narrowed to slits when he was angry, his face also seemed to change colours depending on how angry he was, it was more than often red. He detested magic and anything unusual or out of the ordinary (not that he had told Harry that he could do magic, could you imagine?), which he labelled as 'funny business', if Harry did any funny business then that usually meant punishments and more often than not Vernon was the one in charge of the punishing, he had the biggest hands after all.

Then there was Harry's Aunt Petunia, a thin, blue eyed, blonde-haired woman with nearly twice the usual amount of neck. Once Harry had overheard the neighbours call her 'horse-faced', 'giraffe' or 'horsy'. She, much like her husband, absolutely hated anything out of the ordinary.

Then there was the final and youngest member of the Dursley family, Dudley Dursley, Harry's cousin. Dudley has watery blue eyes and thick blond hair, he is extremely fat (even if his mother says otherwise) and is at least four times Harry's size. Harry often thought Dudley looked like a pig in a wig.

Harry didn't really know what was going on, he knew that his Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia had planned something important but he really did not know what it was that they had planned, although it appeared that Dudley did know. That didn't surprise Harry at all, of course they would tell their precious 'Diddy-kins' or 'Dudders' as Aunt Petunia and sometimes Uncle Vernon liked to call him.

All Harry did know was that Dudley most definitely knew something, as evidenced by the grin he had on his stupid fat face. And if that was not enough then you could simply add in the fact that Dudley had kept whispering 'I know a secret' over and over again in a happy voice.

They kept walking for about five minutes straight until they had apparently gotten far enough into the forest.

"Stop here, boy." Uncle Vernon ordered suddenly just as he and his wife and son stopped, a moment before Harry had. A tired Harry turned, his arms hanging down as he barely felt like he had the energy to lift them. "Now boy, it is time to finally end this." Uncle Vernon said as he turned around and reached into his long coat.

"End this?" Harry weakly repeated as he looked between all three of them with confusion.

"We never wanted you!" Aunt Petunia hisses suddenly, glaring at Harry like every single problem in their lives had only existed because of him. "We never asked for your freak parents to get blown up and we never asked for you to be dumped at our doorstep! We are tired of living with a freak like you, you could infect out poor Dudley." She said in a dramatic voice, finishing as she wrapped her arms around Dudley.

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