chapter 61

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"Well I am really busy Lupin so please hurry up and tell me what the fuck you want." Harry said as he crossed his arms and started at the man in front of him.

"I...I had heard about your son," Lupin spoke, he was a bit worried about Harry going crazy and paused to see that Harry was making no moves to attack him so he decided to continue. "I am sorry. could not have been easy for you to discover you had a son."

"It was not but I will handle and deal with it." Harry calmly replied.

"Hmm, well...your...your son is why I came here actually." Remus admitted.

"I figured as much, what do you want with him Lupin?"

"Harry, first of all I feel like I should point out that now everyone knows that he is a werewolf he will have to register with..."

"I know," Harry cut Remus off. "I had taken the boy to the hospital yesterday to get him checked out and give him when some greasy asshole called 'Alan Bridle' walked up to us and said that I have to register him with the ministry within a month or else, stupid prick."

"Hmm," Remus looked like he was about to agree with Harry but stopped himself from saying so. He was quite familiar with the man, at least by reputation, Bridle and Umbridge were both big supporters of the pureblood movement and looked down on anything and anyone that would not be considered to have pureblood. Personally Remus felt that if Bridle did not be careful then it was likely that he would end up just like Umbridge. "you...your son...does he have a name?" Remus asked.

"I have named him James." Harry answered.

"James?" Remus repeated in a soft voice. "You have named him after your father I am guessing."

"Maybe I did, maybe, I didn't, now what do you want Lupin?" Harry asked in an impatient voice. Remus, who was smart enough to understand the dangers that could come with a pissed off Harry Potter, decided to speed things up and get directly to the point.

"Like I said, I wanted to talk about your son." Remus said. "I...I was wondering what your plans are with him."

"My plans?" Harry repeated, tilting his head slightly in confusion.

"He is a werewolf, what do you plan to do with him?"

"I don't have any plans."

"I...when I was younger a member from an organisation in France contacted me," Remus replied, "it is an organisation that looks after young werewolves, at the time I had refused because I wanted to go to Hogwarts. But...if...if you want then I can contact them and see if they are willing to take your son in."

"He is not going anywhere," Harry said, glaring at the old werewolf. "I am not abandoning him because he is a werewolf."

"Harry they could help keep him protected and..."

"No they could not because if Libra ever decides that they want to kill him then he will be safer at my side, besides I know which organisation you are talking about. The 'sanctuaire de loup' right?" Harry asked.

"Yes," Remus nodded, a small look of surprise appeared on his face. "how do you know about it?"

"Because Libra has gotten plenty of recruits from there," Harry explained, shocking Lupin. "they see the value in werewolves and unlike Britain they do not feel like they are above werewolves, or at least most of them don't."

"You mean Moony could have been a member of Libra?" Sirius blurted out with disbelief.

"I doubt it," Harry snorted. "they would only take a few werewolves, the violent ones that like fighting, they have no interest in tame wolves, except perhaps young ones without family that can be trained." Harry explained before turning back to Remus. "James stay's here with us." Harry said in a firm voice.

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