chapter 19

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"Mr Potter" Dumbledore said as Harry sat down opposite him with Professor Flitwick, no sooner than the second after Harry had got to Hogwarts he was being dragged to the headmaster's office, Shadow had flown off and by the time Harry had gotten to the office, Shadow had come back and was dragging Flitwick by the sleeve. Harry just shrugged as they entered the office. "I must confess, I am extremely disappointed with your behavior"

"Okay" Harry nodded

"Mr Potter, this is serious. You are a Hogwarts student, your actions represent us" Dumbledore scolded, as soon as the meeting had finished he had quickly viewed it in the mind of one of the people that had left the court and he was very upset with Harry's behaviour.

"Not my fault nor is it my problem, I never wanted to come to this damn school in the first place"

"Mr Potter, why must you be so difficult?" Dumbledore looked at him with a pleading expression "Me and the school are trying our best, please just work with us."

"I could do that...nah" Harry smiled at Dumbledore "we've done this dance so many times Dumbledore, just expel me or quit complaining. As for my actions, I felt they were deserved when a room full of idiots argue over my fate without even asking me about it. Even worse when you consider that they took so long. No, I just sped things up"

"You insulted a great many people..."

"Including you" Harry grinned "let's not forget that"

"I promise you, I won't" Dumbledore's eyes lost their twinkle "Mr Potter, you do not like me. That's fine. There are a great many who don't and while I wish you weren't one of them, you are and I can't change that. With that being said, I am still worried about you. You have great potential, you could end up being a great wizard. You could also end up being a very dangerous wizard. I cannot allow another dark lord to rise up"

"Albus!" Flitwick exclaimed, shocked at Dumbledore's accusation of Harry becoming a dark lord

"Or I could just be a regular wizard" Harry countered "has it ever occurred to you that I don't want to become a hero or a villain? Have you ever thought about me just wanting to be a regular wizard? A normal person? Huh? All I want is to be left alone, but you can't do that. If I do become a dark wizard then it will likely happen because you couldn't let me stay a regular one. Now kindly piss off" Harry got up and began leaving

"Mr Potter, we are not done" Dumbledore said

"Well I am" Harry shot back as he left

"Huh" Dumbledore rubbed his face with his hands

"Albus" Flitwick said "I don't know what you're planning or why you are so interested in Mr Potter, but I think it best if it stops now"

"Filius, I just..."

"No" Flitwick raised his hand to stop Albus "I don't want to hear it, I'm sure you have your reasons but as of the moment...I don't care to hear them. Mr Potter is one of my ravens and therefore it is my job to look after him. I think it's best if you two stay away from each other before one of you starts throwing spells"

"Filius, I just..."

"No Albus, save your excuses." Flitwick got off his chair and walked out.

Dumbledore leaned back into his chair and was rather wishing he had a headache potion. Not only was Harry Potter costing him Flitwick's loyalty, but he was causing more problems than Dumbledore could fix. His attacks against the Slytherin's for example, he couldn't punish Harry for it because he needed Harry in school, Harry refused to attend detention and because non of the Slytherin's were willing to say anything, though Dumbledore understood why. They were too scared to complain, Harry had correctly pointed out that he wouldn't be expelled.

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