Part 18: home

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Abby shakes Erin and zoey awake. Zoey rubs her eyes before seeing the main gates of the camp. She opens the car door and walks towards the gate. Everyone in the camp is getting along. Talking, eating or playing games together. Zoey puts her arm around Erin.
"We're finally home love."
Erin goes over to their place and starts unpacking things. Zoey goes out and looks for Benny. She spots the two kids playing with Benny and his wife sat at the same table zoey and Erin always sat on.

Zoey starts walking over to joey.
"You know I didn't think we'd make it all this way." She shouts over.
"You know what. Neither did I." He replies.
The fog starts to finally lift as Zoey sees Erin walk excitedly towards her.  Erin embraces Zoey again and kisses her on the cheek.
"I'm going to guess you two are a thing then." Joey smirk's.
"How did you guess that then?" Zoey replies, punching his shoulder slightly.

Abby walks over towards zoey and hands her the pistol she used.
"It's yours zoey." She tries giving her the pistol back.
Zoey doesn't reach for the pistol.
"Abby I think you earned that the moment you saved my life."
Abby smiles towards zoey and holsters the pistol before walking off into the camp.

Zoey and Erin walk to the chef and grab some food before sitting at another table.
"You know it's going to be weird going back to normal life." Zoey says while looking at the sky.
"Yeah I guess. But none of this is really normal." Erin replies holding Zoeys hand.
Both of them eat together before going and sitting in the main area.

Zoey sits next to Erin and puts her hand on Erin's thigh. The two of them watch the sun set together before a bonfire is started. With only the flames lighting them. Zoey and Erin cuddle with eachother sat next to the flames. Benny spots them both and walks towards them.
"Fancy seeing the two of yous here." He laughs before shaking Zoeys hand.
He sits down and passes both of them a drink.
"How's the family Benny?" Zoey asks.
"They're much better now they're not there. I Never really thanks you all for doing that. You didn't need to but we really appreciate it."
Bennys wife comes and sits next to him, they all shake hands with her too. Zoey takes a drink with Erin. It was they're first time drinking something that wasn't water.
"Oh that reminds me" Erin says before reaching into her bag.
She pulls out the chocolate bar Zoey got for her and breaks it into two. Erin hands one half to zoey and keeps the other.

At the end of the night both of them walk back into their place and turn on the light. Erin gets undressed in the bedroom while zoey washes her hands. She watches the blood mixed with chocolate run down the drain. Zoey walks into the bedroom and undressed herself. Erin lifts the covers for zoey as she gets into bed with her.

Joey walks back into his home and sits on a seat. He holds a picture of his old family before putting it down. He smiles painfully before leaving his home again. He walks over to the car and turns on the light shining the car up.  Joey pulls out a toolbox and starts working on fixing the car. He mutters to himself "for next time" before fixing each part of it.

Abby places the pistol on her table before finding some old books the last person left. She's never seen these books before and continues reading them all night.

Zoey holds erin tightly before drifting off to sleep. As Zoey falls asleep erin kisses her on the cheek and goes to sleep herself.

As daylight breaks everyone in camp starts to wake up. Zoey and Erin start running a small store in the camp, sharpening blades. Abby becomes an artist drawing for the camp mates. Joey becomes a mechanic working on cars that come in.
"So this is normal life then." Zoey looks into Erin's eyes.
Erin smiles and nods.
"I'm glad it's with you." Zoey whispered.
Joey walks over towards the store.
"Hey you two off yet? I want to go out for a bit." He asks.
Both of them nod at each other and follow Joey to his car.

As they see inside his car they see Abby already sat in the passenger seat.
"No way!" Abby shouts before running and jumping onto Zoey.
"It's like I haven't Seen you in ages" Abby shouts again.
"It's only been a couple of months Abby" Zoey laughs.
Abby gets back into the passenger seat while Zoey and Erin get back in the back seats. Joey turns the ignition on.
"It's almost like old times." Joey says quietly.
He drives out of camp into the next town over, while the sun begins to wind down.

As the church bells ringحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن