Part 1: Yang Xaio Long

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Elsewhere, Raiden and Shinnok are locked in an endless battle of light and darkness, Goku faces off against Black Rose with the power of the dragon balls while pit is their to assist, and Ruby Rose is going up against beerus the god of destruction as he used his powers to create beams of energy that Ruby easily avoids. Ruby knock Beerus down onto a build as Weiss Schnee and Percy Jackson run to apprehend the fallen god as the silver saviour comes over

Ruby: Weiss. Percy. Let's wrap this up, I've got to get to the S.A.B.E.R.

Weiss: Before Doom throws something else at us...

Weiss says as a new Kombatant showed up

Ruby: Venom...

Ruby charged at venom, only to be hit to the side which caused Weiss and Percy to question Ruby's decision

Weiss: that dolt, it should have been a combined assault

Percy: Ruby sometimes forgets she can't do everything herself

As weiss schee and Percy Jackson prepare to face venom, we go to Blake Belladonna, Chronoa, and Penny fighting Doctor Doom, Akuma, Blaze and Misti Babe. Doctor Doom is fighting Penny as the lord of latveria fired green energy blasts at the robot girl only to be stopped by Chronoa's power of Kairos and penny jumps to the side, Chronoa sends the blast to Blaze as Penny now fights the elemental by herself

Doctor Doom: You're ruining my fun, Chronoa

Chronoa: I detest violence Doom, but I'm even less fond of you

Chronoa says now standing next to Blake, only for her to get pulled over by penny

Blake: thought you'd have this mess cleaned up by now

Penny: Names Penny, not Mircale worker

Blake: Blake to Yang, You there

Yang xaio long POV

Blake (comms): We could use your help

Yang: After I check out the raft. Have to make sure Doom didn't bust her out

Blake (comms): She'll keep, We're getting our asses handed to us

Yang: Be there soon, Babe

I make it to the raft and meet up with a guard as I make my way to Cinder's cell

Raft Guard: We've been keeping a close eye on her miss xaio long, just like you said. She hasn't moved in hours

I look down and the guard looks at me as I gesture him to look at what I see, a trip wire.

Raft Guard: What the hell? What is that?

I spray the trip wire as it starts freezing, when it is fully frozen I slice through it allowing us to enter the cell, only when the door opens we don't see Cinder anywhere, just C4 and a fake Cinder doll lying on the bed

Raft Guard: How'd Cinder do this?

Yang: She didn't. The real trap...

Suddenly throwing stars get tossed at us and I quickly catch both of them looking at the assalint

Yang: behind us

Killmonger: Clever girl

It was Erik Stevens, aka Killmonger, I charge at him hoping to attack only to get dodged by his sword I block quickly as he kicked me to the side. Killmonger tried to swing at me again, I dodge it and toss it to the side and uppercut him, he tries to hit me again. This keeps going until I kick him back

Yang: You're Doom's pet now, Killmonger?

Killmonger: his money'a green, and as a bonus... I get to kill the mighty Yang xiao long

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13 ⏰

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