Boring town

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Have u ever thought how boring a town could be? And how that's not really possible, well oh god I wish that never happened, but it did. 

Kat was in her room, picking a dress for tomorrow. Turns out it's her birthday tommorow. Kat who looked happy when she woke up, quickly went from "my frown is upside down!!" To "my frown is back to normal" not a pleasing feeling. 

"HONEY COME DOWN STAIRS RIGHT NOW!" Her mom said, yelling on the top of her lungs. Kat knew that was bad. As soon as she heard her mom, she went flying down the stairs. Sure not safe. "Yes mother" She said, in fear. "Darling take out the damn trash" her mom said. "And get ready, we're going somewhere." Her mom said, walking away.

As soon as her mom went upstairs, She looked like she was about to cry. She didn't want to be in trouble so she did as she was told. She took out the trash. She looked to her right to see kids on there bikes. "Hi guys!" Kat said, excited for once. "Look it's the dork" One guy said. "Yeah that stupid a** girl" another one said. Kat looked miserable. She walked inside with shame.

"Mom I did what u asked!" Kat said, yelling upstairs to her mom. "Come up stairs and speak! I don't want u yelling so damn loud" her mom said yelling back. Kat went upstairs and went in her moms room. Little did she know her mom was getting dressed. She walked in, not knowing. "hey mom I-" as she was about to be done speaking, her mom was changing. "YOU DAMN CHILD, U STUPID LITTLE-" As her mom almost finished her sentence, she closed the door.

She was very embarrassed and, she knew what was about to come. She quickly ran down the steps to see the kids outside again. "Uh, hey guys!" Kat said. "Ey! She back! Let's get her" one guy said. They got off there bikes and charged after her. Kat didn't know what to do. They punched and pulled her hair until she was screaming mommy. Not pleasent. They left her outside as they biked off.

She got back up like nothing happened. She walked in her house and in a secret room, she called it "no hurtful center" that made her still believe in humanity's finest.

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