Where The Fire Started (Prologue)

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Ash Pov

Fire.....smoke's....ashes, that's all what i can see infront of me, the once beautiful village i have lived in for so long are now nothing but ashes and charcoal you must be wondering, how did this place turn this way, is it the grimm attack? A bandit attack? No, none of those, if you want to know, we have to start before the fire,
Where The Fire Started.

Flashback 3rd Pov

We are now inside of an old wooden house with two people standing inside the same room, one is an old man with gray hair and amber eye's on a bed looking very sick and one is a young man with black hair and amber eye's, he seems to look not old than 15 year old

(?): Ash.....my grandson (cough) you have to leave....there's no saving us....please for the sake of the village, for your own sake leave this place (cough) (cough).

Ash: b-but grandpa, i-i can't, i can't just leave you (sob) please....don't make me leave....

Grandpa: im sorry my grandson but i'm done for....the sickness it's already getting to me....please for the sake of everyone....we can't let this sickness spread further.....we put our memories and trust in you, so please live for everyone, for us, for me.....

Ash just stand there starring at his sick grandpa with tears threatening to fall down from his eyes, he knows there's no saving him, there's no saving everyone, the only way out is death, he knows this is the only way to release everyone from the village from the pain they suffer, the only way for this sickening nightmare they live in, so with a heavy heart he closed his eyes and nod.

Grandpa: Thank you.....Ash, we left the rest for you, my grandson, promised me you will survive....and find you sister....and lived, and do not burden yourself with our death, we all comes to this decision ourselves for the sake of everyone else....my boy....from now on....you are our last warrior...remember what i have taught you and lived.

Ash: i will grandpa....you have nothing to worry about....

The old man smiles weakly at his response he knew what kind of burden his and the entire village death, will gave him but he belive Ash will go through it, he will follow the way of the flame charge through the burning flame like he once was, the only regret he have left is not able to find his granddaughter after his daughter and son in laws death but despite that he know Ash will find his sister one day.

Grandpa: thank you....Ash and remember, let the burning path guide you...through the darkness...

Ash: and let that path guide you to the edge of darkness to a true light.....

Grandpa: Haha....good, thank you for everything....Ash, i do not regret having you in my life....never, not even once.....

Slowly the old man closes his eyes as mutter the word "i love you, grandson" that is the last word the old man can muster before his last breath, Ash can old stand there, with a sad look on his face, tears still threaten to leave his eyes but he did not let his sadness eat him yet.

Ash: i love you too.....grandpa...you can rest easy now....

After saying that Ash took his bag and leave the house once he reach outside, there are no sound can be heard, no single person can be seen, everything about this once lively beautiful village are now just a shell of what it once was, it's dark, empty, and grim, everyone in the village must have all died at this point

Ash: at least they died peacefully using the pill created by the elders before their life are taken by the sickness

that's what Ash can only said to himself make himself feel better but he knows the truth, despite no matter what he said, the truth still hurt, everyone died but him and now it's just him in this dead village

Ash: Grandpa....i'm going now...please look after me from the afterlife....

Ash now makes his way out of the village, memories are filling his mind, as he look to the road that used to be very active filled with people and faunus alike, children's and adult talking, playing and laughing with eachothers like a big giant family.....yes this is what this village is....everyone here is just one big family, everyone knows eachothers like the back of their hand, this village can be called a paradise where everyone can live in peace....but of course fate are cruel, it took and it took.

Finnaly Ash reach the edge of the village with a torch now in his hand, he look at the village with nostalgia and sadness as he took a deep breath and sigh heavily before he drop the torch in his hand as it hit the ground and hitting the black liquid under it as the fire spread more and more as it finnaly reach the houses nearby slowly burning it

Ash seeing this decided to walk away to not inhale the incoming smoke and as he reach the edge of forest he look at the now the burning village as it slowly getting consume by the fire.

Ash fall down to his knee before he let out a scream full of pain and sadness as the tears that once threatening to leave his eyes are now flowing down his face like a waterfall before he hug the sword his grandfather once gave him

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Ash fall down to his knee before he let out a scream full of pain and sadness as the tears that once threatening to leave his eyes are now flowing down his face like a waterfall before he hug the sword his grandfather once gave him.


As ash scream once more but now it's not filled with sadness but rather anger and pain as his body started to be engulf in flame, but the fire didn't damage him at all not even his clothes or weapon but somehow it's heat alone manage to burn the tree's around him causing the entire forest to be slowly engulf in flame as well.

As ash scream once more but now it's not filled with sadness but rather anger and pain as his body started to be engulf in flame, but the fire didn't damage him at all not even his clothes or weapon but somehow it's heat alone manage to burn the t...

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Meanwhile somewhere not far from there a man with a sword and a flask stare at the burning village.

???: What the hell happened here?

And That's The Start Of My Burning Path

Prologue End

(A/n: Yes i know the prologue is very short but to be honest i'm really confused on how to continue it since the rwby world, Remnant. Is such a messy build of a world).

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