"Whatever you need or want, I'm here," Oakley put a hand on her cheek, and her nerves calmed as she smiled and leaned her head against the palm of his hand.

"Hey, how about we get an upstate New York house," Oakley offered.

"What is this we, thing," Clementine raised an eyebrow and Oakley chuckled.

"I want to be able to live with my own child," Oakley smiled.

"I don't need my baby daddy getting in the way of every guy I meet," Clementine chuckled.

"You would bring a guy home when our child is present?" Oakley narrowed his eyebrows.

"Well not exactly, but I do want to find the love of my life," Clementine crossed her arms.

"What about me," Oakley smirked as he pushed closer to Clementine practically hovering over her.

"We were just a stupid hook up that led to this," Clementine pushed Oakley back as she opened her dresser looking threw her clothes.

"We might not want to tell our child that they were a mistake," Oakley scrunched his nose and Clementine shrugged.

"In the future, I might be even happier that I get to have this baby," Clementine smiled as she put a hand on her stomach, and Oakley stood there leaning against the foot of the bed with his arms crossed as he watched Clementine grabbed clothes and a pair of underwear.

"Hey, have you talked to you're parents at all, about the baby," Oakley asked and Clementine shook her head.

"I was going to when we were at dinner but then I saw you and it changed all my plans so-" Clementine shrugged and headed back to the bathroom.

"I think I will tell my mom and brothers when I go home for a few days," Oakley told as he stood in the door frame of the bathroom.

"What about your Dad," Clementine asked from the bathroom, and Clementine looked in the Mirror and saw Oakley's expression was saddened

"They split when I was 7," Oakley looked at the ground and Clementine looked at him in the mirror.

"I'm sorry I-" Clementine started.

"It's fine, you need to get in the shower though," Oakley walked up behind Clementine and hugged her.

"Yeah," Clementine smiled at the comfort of Oakley's warm arms as she placed her hands on his.

"Okay," Clementine sighed.

"Get out, I need a shower," Clementine turned around and pushed Oakley out.

"Okay okay, I'll be in here," Oakley flopped on Clementine's bed and got on his phone.

Clementine was in the shower for 4 minutes now and Oakley was still laid out on the bed, the door to the bedroom was closed, and seconds later Chicago, Mikey, and Jordyn walked into the apartment and yelled Clementine's name.

"Clem!" Jordyn yelled and Oakley jumped up opening the bedroom door to the three sitting on the couch.

"Clementine's in the shower," Oakley informed as he closed the bedroom door behind him as he walked out, Chicago and Mikey froze as they saw the famous UK rapper walk out of Clementine's room.

"Why are you here," Jordyn questioned as she got up with her arms crossed and slowly walked up to Oakley.

"Uh, Clementine wants me here," Oakley shrugged, and Jordyn scoffed.

"Please, if you're not gonna be here for her or the baby, you might as well leave," Jordyn rolled her eyes.

"Well first, you don't know me, I ain't just gonna leave her-" Oakley started.

"What cause you're afraid of messing up you're perfect image, your perfect career," Jordyn looked him up and down.

"No, because Clementine is a great girl-" Oakley

"You don't even know her," Jordyn rolled her eyes.

"Jordyn-" Chicago sighed. Meanwhile, Clementine had already got done changing from her shower and she walked out of her bathroom to hear talking.

"Look, I get it you're trying to protect her or some shit but, I think she's amazing, I ain't doing nothing for my career or for my image I'm doing this because this is my first child, it may be with a girl I don't even know, but I know I want to be in my baby's life and in my baby mama's life," Oakley informed, Clementine smiled to herself and she opened the bedroom door.

"Hey, what are you guys doing here," Clementine asked.

"Just stopping by to say hi," Chicago smiled as she got up going to hug Clementine.

"If I knew you would be having this fine ass man here, I would have come sooner," Mikey whispered in Clementine's ear as he smirked and Clementine chuckled.

"Well, what's going on," Clementine questioned as she saw Jordyn giving Oakley a nasty look and Oakley with a small attitude.

"Nothing," Oakley smiled as he went up towards Clementine.

"I'm gonna head back to my hotel, I'll see you tomorrow," Oakley wrapped an arm around Clementine's waist and gave her a kiss on the cheek and Chicago and Mikey gave Clementine a cheeky grin.

"What's tomorrow," Clementine asked as Oakley slowly let go of her waist about to pull his arm back but Clementine held his arm towards her.

"I'm gonna take you out for breakfast," Oakley smiled as he looked down at her.

"Mmk," Clementine hugged him by wrapping an arm around his shoulders.

"Bye," Oakley whispered in her ear as they pulled apart from each other and Oakley put on his shoes as he started heading to the door.

"Bye," Oakley yelled out to everyone.

"Byyeee," Mikey and Chicago dragged the word as he left.

"Looks like you two are getting close," Mikey smirked.

"What," Clementine chuckled as she walked over to her kitchen.

"The kissing, the smiles, and the touching," Chicago informed.

"Yeah what's going on there," Jordyn asked as she sat at the island table.

"I don't know, I just suddenly trust him," Clementine smiled to herself.

"Right," Jordyn rolled her eyes.

A/N: I know I haven't updated in this book in days, I sometimes get no motivation to write but I'm trying. And honestly I really want to make Oakley more British in his lines cause in my head he sounds British but in writing he doesn't, I don't know if that makes any sense but I'm just trying to say more British slang.

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