9: A Break In The Domain

Start from the beginning

Sidon turned his attention to (Y/n). "If that's so... Then at least where they dwell is a good distance from Hyrule... When we spotted that Zora, as different from us as they had appeared... They appeared more... curious of us, than anything, when they saw who we really were. I know I am just going with my gut on this one, but... Do you think that after all this time, these Zora would want to reunite with us? Perhaps, mend what happened in the past?" He guessed.

"That would be the optimistic way of viewing this predicament, and I hope you're right..." (Y/n) sighed, the two heading to the public kitchen to have some lunch. Perhaps some grub will help ease their minds.

After they finished eating, Captain Bazz spotted the two, and went to run up to them, before bowing his head. "His majesty has informed me to give you your compensation for being the prince's guide during your investigation. He also thanks you for your help." He smiled at (Y/n) before he was handing her a sight she had never seen before, one that made her gasp in awe.

What now stood in her hands was a shining, golden, rupee.

Though she was pretty sure this wasn't the brightest light either, it sure did make her happy. Her first gold rupee!

Sidon chuckled softly at her reaction. "You act like you have never seen such a rupee before." He gave her a gentle, teasing smile, one that showed off his bright, sharp teeth, which earned him a pout from the female Zora beside him, which made him laugh even more.

"Of course I haven't! Not everyone has this many rupees to spend when they come to my shop!"

Sidon looked quizzically at her. "Really? I thought surely your wares would be around that range!"

"They could be, but then I wouldn't have as many customers buying from me! If I priced say a fancy mask of mine for like a thousand rupees, it would be collecting dust on my shelves since only the most richest of Hyruleans would be able to afford it." (Y/n) explained, as Sidon merely nodded at her with a soft smile. He would take her word for it.

"Now that we have gotten news of a new group of Zora, I am going to triple my range of surveillance, just in case!" Captain Bazz saluted with a cheery grin, before bidding the two adieu.

"It seems there are a lot of secrets that even I do not know about our people... Perhaps there are even some that have been lost to all of us with time." Sidon wondered aloud, while (Y/n) went to tuck the gold rupee she had in hand in a compartment in her personal wagon that she took to the Domain, that now had a tarp over it to protect it from the rather frequent rain the Domain would get.

"So.... Now that we are back in the Domain... Does that mean we are going to resume with our usual schedules?" (Y/n) asked as she turned to the prince, who hummed in thought.

"I... am not sure. Father did tell us to take some time to rest up, and I am surely not in a hurry to have to return back to hearing long reports and the like." Sidon softly pouted, which may not be very princely to do, but he felt he could be informal around (Y/n).

"Say... If you would like, I can show you my favorite sight of the Domain. Think of it as thanks for being my guide and teaching me so much about the rest of Hyrule." Sidon suddenly suggested, having a bright smile on his face. It was also an excuse to spend more time with (Y/n).

"Your favorite sight?... All the other sights I have heard about in the Domain seem to require swimming and climbing up waterfalls, which is something I can't do yet." (Y/n) reminded him in a whisper, as Sidon shook his head, and went to give her a confident fist pump.

"Do not fret, for this time, I will be your guide!" He grinned, before he was excitingly taking her hands. "Come on, let's go!" He chuckled, as his infectious joy rubbed off quickly onto (Y/n). The possibility of rejecting spending more time with the prince never even crossed her mind. Of course she would go... Though she was rather curious how he would manage to get her there.

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