23- shove it

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GIULIANA STOOD UP as she heard the floo go off.

"my parents are home," she announced, leaving to find them.

"is her dad really that much of a dilf?" calla asked leya.

"yes." she immediately said.

"hello," ezra waved a hand in her face, "i don't know if you know me, but i'm your boyfriend."

calla rolled her eyes, turning her attention to graham and giuliana's brothers who came in first.

"you," francis immediately narrowed his eyes at crew as he sat in an arm chair.

"me?" crew said.

"what are you intentions with our sister?" nico asked.

"lay off the kid," santi rolled his eyes, "but, seriously, if you hurt her or get her pregnant, i will kill you."

crew relaxed into his seat, "understood."

"papà and mamma, these are the notts and the lupin-blacks," giuliana announced as she walked in with her parents.

"fuck me," theo rasped and ran a hand over his face.

"yes, theodore. i would be concerned too," penny sneered.

"huh?" reese said.

the teenagers did not know what was wrong, but it was clear that crew's and giuliana's parents had problems.

"nice to meet you, i'm augustino," giuliana's father was aware of the tension, but tried to ba good host regardless. "and my wife, clara."

"yes, we are aware," theo sighed.

"can i know what the fuck is going on?" crew asked.

"language, crew," penny said.

"i would also like to know," giuliana said.

"your whole life is so interesting, g," leya giggled.

"i need a drink to deal with this," clara walked away.

"how about you bring the whole bottle?" penny called out.


"wait, so let me get this straight. a guy who hates you and has notoriously liked your girlfriend says that she slept with him and you believed him," giuliana stared at theo with wide eyes, "and then you slept with my mom without even getting an explanation?"

"i was drunk and had a lot of trust issues," theo defended himself.

"and he told me that they were broken up," clara said, "like multiple times."

"mom," nico snorted, "i didn't think you to be a homewrecker."

"i was not! penny scared the shit out of me, there was no way i'd have slept with him if i knew what actually happened."

"you know," penny looked at her oldest son, "you have the uncanny ability of befriending people with the worst possible parents."

"they are not the worst, at least not the del guerras. though i will say leo's parents kinda really suck." he shrugged.

"that tweet was so shitty," leo agreed.

"are you two even dating?" graham asked giuliana and crew with furrowed brows.

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