11- jumped on me

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THE GROUP ALL sat around giuliana, calla, and leya's shared dorm. giuliana and crew—even though they denied all accusations of being together—laid in her bed, very closely. leya was on her stomach with her head at the foot of her bed, calla sat in between ezra's chest on her bed, and leo sat on the floor in front of giuliana's bed.

"we should do something, i'm bored," leo whined.

"well, what would you like to do leo?" giuliana asked.

he stood up, "don't mock me, g. and i'm glad you asked."

"oh, gods, what have you got planned?" ezra grimaced.

"just a simple game of truth or drink," he returned to his spot on the floor, now joined by a bottle of firewhiskey.

"nothing is ever simple with you," leya rolled her eyes, but sat up anyways.

"who wants to go first?"

"since this was your brilliant idea, how about you?" calla rolled her eyes as she moved to the floor.

"yes, i think that is a wonderful idea," g sat next to her.

leo huffed, "fine. i've also got a bunch of generic truths if you can't come up with one."

"do i want to know where you got this?" crew examined the top hat full of paper slips.

"probably not."

"hmmm," ezra tapped his finger on his chin, "who was the last person you were with?"

he tilted his head, "in what capacity?"

"anything intimate at all," leya said, "kissing is the base line."

"i see. well i got head from longbottom—the girl—at the halloween party."

"i love the clarification," crew snorted as he twirled a piece of g's hair around his finger.

leo practically whipped his head around to calla, "what's the nastiest thing you've done? sexually?"

"how long have you been waiting to ask that?" her boyfriend shot back.

"doesn't matter. answer the question."

she shook her head, "you're awful mr. zabini."

"would you like a shot," g shook the bottle in her hand.

"when the river runs red, take the dirt track instead," she saluted.

"no way," leya gasped.

"wait what does that mean?" g asked.

ezra looked flabbergasted, "do you seriously not know?"

"no? is it like common knowledge or something?"

"not necessarily," leya answered.

"okay it what does it mean?"

their friends all watched as crew bent his head to whisper in her ear.

her eyes widened, "oh! oh, calla!"

"that could've been in a porno and i wouldn't have questioned it," ezra shifted in his spot.

"first of all, ew, ezra. and g," she turned to her friend, "i know you are no saint either."

"i never said i was! i've just never taken it up the ass!" she defended herself.

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