17- lopsided

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"DO YOU KNOW what i really love about going to school here?" giuliana asked her friends as the hung out at the black lake.

"what?" leya asked.

"the accents. like i know i technically have an american accent, but the english accents get me every time."

"is that why you like my brother so much?" inez smiled.

she nodded, "among other things."

"i thought you liked his dimples," calla said.

"oh i do. i love dimples. but like both of them together. you know, 'i saw the dimples first and then i head the accent.' it's real. taylor swift just gets me."

"she so does," inez nodded, "did you know my mom named me and august after the like characters she has?"

"okay that's what i thought! but i wasn't sure cause there was no james." calla said.

"she said she didn't want to inflate prongs' head anymore."

leya snorted, "he's so weird," she turned to giuliana, "you'll meet him one day and fully understand."

giuliana's brows furrowed, "why would i ever meet him?"

"probably because you'll marry crew. if not because of that, let it be because i invited you over," inez explained.

giuliana laid down on the grass, "i'm not going to marry crew, inez. he won't even ask me out."

"well not if you go on another date with colin," calla pointed a manicured nail at her.

"you never did say how it went with him," leya pointed out and laid her head on her best friend's stomach.

"it was fine, i guess. we went to dinner in hogsmeade and he was a perfect gentlemen. i dunno, it was just like," she paused to find the right word, "underwhelming?"

"cause he wasn't crew?" leya offered.

"i don't know if it was because he wasn't crew. i think he's just too nice. like he wouldn't like my humor cause he'd be offended if i called his dad a sex offender."

"okay maybe calling his dad a sex offender is too much. but i see what you mean, he's very vanilla."

"do you think he's vanilla in bed too?"

"probably. and i feel that that would be a problem cause you look like you like to be thrown around and called a 'slut'." calla laughed.

"one time, she was visiting me and she brought a boy home after we went partying and i had to listen to them fucking all night. she likes to be called a 'good girl'. or at least a 'good little slut'." leya laughed too.

giuliana was bright scarlett. "i've always thrived on academic validation, it makes sense i would also like to validated in other ways." she tried to defend herself.

"this conversation has gone so far off track," inez shook her head with a smile.

"don't they all though?"


gdelguerra posted

gdelguerra posted

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liked by colinmcg, dmalfoy, and others

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liked by colinmcg, dmalfoy, and others

gdelguerra finish the sentence

leyamarie for g
gdelguerra purr

leozabini 👅

ilvermorny1 for your cannoli
gdelguerra i haven't made any in so long omfg

crewnott i feel like this is a loaded question
gdelguerra it's not even a question

crewnott i think we both know the answer
gdelguerra you have to say it
gdelguerra not out loud
crewnott what will i get if i do
gdelguerra nothing
crewnott then i'm not going to
gdelguerra do it
crewnott no
gdelguerra yes
crewnott no
gdelguerra yes
crewnott no
gdelguerra no
crewnott yes
crewnott damn you

crewnott for giuliana vida del guerra
gdelguerra hah

nott.inez i can't decide if that unnecessary flirting was disgusting or not
augustnott it was disgusting
reesenott personally? 4+4
gdelguerra how much did he pay you to say that

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vidamins posted

liked by theogabg, the8thmonth, and others

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liked by theogabg, the8thmonth, and others

vidamins mother was not lying

lily2.0 you have a problem
vidamins ik cause they say home is where the heart is, but that's not where mine lives

ezraezraezra your lines are lopsided
vidamins you're lopsided


c speaks!

i learned today that cannoli is plural and cannolo is singular


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