24 - Silence (Kieran)

Start from the beginning

"Why tell me now?"

"So we can talk more openly when Naomi's around. Plus, if you've learned enough to determine it yourself with a few hints, it's time."

Kieran grabbed the mini-strainer of cherry tomatoes and the navy cutting board to halve them like he'd done since their mother had deemed him old enough to deal with Jake's 'selfish fussiness'. She couldn't have been more wrong about the selfish part, but his food preferences hadn't changed.

"Is Naomi the only other ace person you know?" Kieran asked.

"No, I've met plenty online, and Austin is too, or he falls on the spectrum a bit like Naomi."

Oh shit, Austin was a good guy, a nice one, and if he was ace and reminded Jake of Naomi, he was probably better for her than Kieran. Would it be selfish to hide that fact for his own gain, knowing she may be happier with someone else?

"Is Austin coming tonight?"

"He agreed to, and he honours his commitments."

"Do you think he and Naomi... Is that why you told me to only be her friend?"

Jake raised an eyebrow. "Austin's been in a relationship for the past year."

"Right." Kieran must have heard that, but the guy always attended game night solo.

"His partner is allosexual. Their relationship is similar to your and Naomi's situation."

Oh, was this Jake's gentle nod of approval, or was he just stating facts? "So that's proof it could work for Naomi and me."

"It proves that those two specific people are open to compromising on their boundaries to engage in a romantic relationship."

"Every relationship has compromises."

Jake finished slicing a second pepper and tucked the pieces into another bowl. "I suppose. Understand which ones you are making before jumping in. Why rush past friendship?"

"Romantic attraction is a force to be reckoned with."

Jake rinsed the knife and cutting board. "But wouldn't you want to give your relationship the strongest odds of success by establishing a strong foundation?"

"I promise I will make sure Naomi and I agree." Kieran tucked as many tomatoes into the bowl as possible and slipped the stragglers into his mouth.

"Okay." Jake stood, staring out the window at the city skyline. "Please do. Naomi would be a pleasant addition to our lives."

"She already is." Kieran opened up the fridge doors. "Can I make you a drink? Celebrate the end of my obliviousness."

Jake chuckled. "Sure. There's a can of coconut water I was saving for tonight."

"Coconut water? You can live freely in your identity, and that's what you want?"

"I've been living freely and happily this entire time. And yes, it is. Alcoholic drinks would only impair my mental function." He placed the containers of veggies in the fridge.

Kieran picked up the coconut water and poured it into one of Jake's preferred glasses. He grabbed a glass of water for himself, as it would be best to catch Naomi when he was sober.

"Balcony?" Jake asked while grabbing a bag of dried fruit.


As they split the snack and gazed out at the river flowing past condos, the cathedral, the bike path and the hospital, a wave of peace washed over Kieran. Jake's silence and smile seemed to show he felt the same. It was a language they'd shared since they were kids.

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