The Land Of Korin

Start from the beginning

Captain Yellow:Buffoons! They've been diggin' here For days now, and no results!


Captain Yellow:What you want?

Red Ribbon Soldier A(Phone):Captain Yellow, sir! We have located the Dragon Ball. I'm looking at it right now!

Few men including captain yellow standing besides them at the edge of the volcano.

Captain Yellow:Where is it?

Red Ribbon Soldier A:It's down There, sir. Just below us.

He took out his binoculars to see below at the boiling lava.

Captain Yellow:I don't see anything.

Red Ribbon Soldier A:Look closer to The edge of the crater, sir. It's there!

He began looking closely in the edge of the volcano finally found the dragon ball being stuck there.

Captain Yellow:Well how about that? Stop the presses! Ya done somethin' Right for once!

Red Ribbon Soldier A:I don't know how We're going to retrieve it-

Captain Yellow:The helicopter, imbecile! We take the helicopter Into the volcano!

Red Ribbon Soldier A:Yes, sir!


While captain yellow and his men already found the dragon ball inside the volcano busy going to retrieved it, the scene change inside the whole forest was so peaceful full of trees, bushes, lushes leaves, bright sunlight and a lot more. And outside, there was a white longest pole up on the sky where any place where it leads too with crave drawings on it. Two figures are on the river or lake called themselves Indians spending a great day doing fishing together the tall and giant one name is Bora and the small one besides him named upa.

Upa:I'm gonna grow up and Catch all the fish in the ocean!

Bora:Son, you should not Take more than you need. If you respect nature, she will Always take care of you.


The young Indian turned his head to see his father with a bright sunlight. Bora wouldn't take his eyes off the river while he was holding a rope and spear on his left arm wouldn't lose his focus to catch a fish deep inside the underwater river. He finally throw his spear along with the rope on the waters then he hold the rope tight with his large hand to pulled back the spear with a fish has caught upa saw this couldn't help but to praise his father happily.

Upa:Yay! That was so fast! Oh, Daddy, you're the best!

Big Fish:(Growled)


Both of them are completely distracted that a blue gigantic fish jumps out of the waters to eat the dead fish Bora caught along the sharp edge spear.


Once again, the big fish pops out at the waters to opened his big mouth was about to eat upa.

Big Fish:(Growled)



Bora screamed in anger won't let his son cause any harm. He charged fast and punch the giant fish with his fist sending him up into the sky once it fall down, the giant Indian kicked the big fish smacked it on the white wall landed on the ground.

Big fish:(Groaned)

Two indians looking at the big fish seems to be calming down by now. Upa was crying in relief that he is now safe thanks to his father grabbing his leg.

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