28. 𝑴𝒊𝒏𝒆ఌ

Start from the beginning

But after they finally had sex... talking it out quickly became fucking it out. And they did that A LOT.

Neither of them expected it to be rainbows and sunshine all the time, but their foundation was solid. Because their communication was so good, and the sex was even better, they hardly ever got caught in tiffs for a long period of time.

Naruto & Hinata seamlessly fell into each other's routines, gave each other the necessary space & truly were best friends. Everyone could see they were literally a match made in heaven.

Now that it was December and near the end of the semester, Hinata was grateful that Naruto would soon get a break from basketball because of the forthcoming holiday season. They could spend so much more time together! It didn't help that in the past few weeks they had chess and basketball back to back. When he was away, so was she.

After their first time and his birthday, they hardly got to see each other. So as Hinata was on her bed, waiting for her lover to return to her from his away game, she reminisced on that wonderful evening. Playing with herself remembering the beautiful ways her man played with her....


It had been four days since she last saw Naruto.

On the first day, she got a Zelle notification on her phone. Naruto had sent her $400 dollars. She blinked rapidly at the notification. What is this for?

Naruto liked to spoil Hinata. She wasn't the type to ask or even crave material things, but anything she liked he bought for her instantly. If he saw something he thought she'd like, he bought it, and she never once paid for a date. Or even hang out. Or a food item. Or a drink. He wouldn't allow it. He wanted to provide everything. Even the times she planned hangouts, and maybe wanted to take her man out for once, no, he still paid for it. He would find out where they were going and pre-pay so she didn't have the chance.

But sending her money was new.

Before Hinata could call him to ask why he sent her so much money he texted her

Prince: I thought my baby would appreciate getting her nails and hair done.

She did have an appointment to do both before their date, but she never expected him to cover the charge! Being a girl is pricey!

😍PRINCESS😍: thank u baby ur so sweet to me I love you so much 💘💘💘🥹
😍PRINCESS😍: and I already miss u :/
💘PRINCE: I miss u more :(
💘PRINCE: I'm so jealous of your heart rn
😍PRINCESS😍: lmfao what?? Why?😂
💘PRINCE: cause it's pumping inside u and I'm not

The second day, when she came home from work, she saw a box wrapped in a bow tie in front of her door. The card attached read a cute message

"I thought you'd look good in this, I hope you love it

She got into her apartment, taking the box to her room and setting it on her bed. She opened it, lifting it by the straps to see a little black dress. When she moved it she could see it had some sparkles, but nothing over bearing and it wasn't really obvious. The dress was gorgeous. When she looked in the box there was also a pair of black heels that were her size.
This man this man this man!

This man is all mine!

Hinata was about to burst with emotion. She never had a guy do this for her before... This was all so new and exciting. Her heart couldn't take it. There was something arousing about Naruto picking out clothes for her. It made her want to please him. Also it meant he knew her body and what would look flattering.

𝑭𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝒀𝒐𝒖: NaruhinaWhere stories live. Discover now