66| Queen of All - 𝐈

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"My father thought it perhaps fitting for a queen," he said, looking at her.

For a moment, Ari was stunned. Her heart raced more than it did a moment ago. Moving closer so her thighs pressed at the edge of the bed, she reached out her fingertips but didn't dare to touch the fine detailing and craftsmanship of what was before her. Her gaze moved up and down the length with appreciation.

It was beautiful.

Henry's silence wasn't uncomfortable, letting her absorb what she was seeing. What she was being given.

"He wishes me to wear this?" she asked, sounding as though a lump was stuck in her throat.

Not entirely believing that such a gift came unconditionally, Ari raised her eyes to Henry, and something like pride flashed in his blue gaze.

"He does. For the gathering this evening." Henry tucked his hands behind his back, a fond sigh slipping from him as he joined her in looking over the item once more.

Ari couldn't seem to take her eyes away for too long. She had never owned much more than the clothes that she wore day in and day out; boots and leather bodices and padded coats. All practical and made to blend with the forest around her. She had never even touched something so fine as what was right in front of her.

"I am grateful," Ari blustered, "but this is too much. I can't." She went to fold the cloth over again, but Henry stopped her hand like it was made from porcelain.

"My father insists," he said, curving his mouth in a charming tilt.

Insists? They were here at Lord Hubert's behest— because of his generosity to her kind. Ari could not argue with that, and the more that she looked down, the less that she wanted to.

Her forests were where she belonged, and she had never envied the human Ladies in elegant gowns and jewels from head to toe. Yet she had never had the chance to be like them either— to fit in with their expectations of a united queen. Ari had never cared for changing her appearance to appease anyone but herself, and nor would her opinions change on that.

But what harm could one evening do if she took that chance now? Showed the human folk that she were no different to them? As she thought on it, the looming dread that this could be her last ever feast closed in. A last opportunity to do something bold for only herself...

"Thank you, Henry," Ari conceded with sincerity, turning her hand to squeeze Henry's in thanks before he let her go.

The look of triumph illuminated his strong features. Henry took a final glance at the garment that he had delivered to her, and made way for the half open door.

"I will leave you to it," he said with a grin before closing the solid inches of oak behind him.


Lancelot rapped his knuckles upon the door that he stood in front of, sending furtive glances down the length of the corridor. Though with the echo that his own boots had given off on the stone flooring, he would likely hear anyone approaching him from a league away. He was not even supposed to be here right now, showing up unplanned. But with what had happened in the last few days, Lancelot couldn't stay away from Ari for long. He had not had a moment completely alone with her since yesterday in the forest, when he'd brought her that bundle of flora.

Dull footsteps came close on the other side, and as the door swung open his excitement rose up and—


A wash like icy water dampened his eagerness all the way down, beyond nothing, and morphed it into fear. Had he knocked on the wrong door? He couldn't have. He'd found his way here in pitch darkness the last times; it was impossible he'd make a mistake in broad daylight.

[2] WEEPING MONK║you're not what I was looking forOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora