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Start from the beginning

The class was long but felt very informative so when it was time for dismissal she texted Indiah telling her to meet at the place they did yesterday for a quick catch up and time killer before the second one started.

As Dolly was so engrossed in replying back to Dms and emails that stemmed from her business account she didn't see or hear Diah's presence until the girl's jangly jewelry made noise, interrupting her scare attempt.

"Ha ha bitch you thought you was gonna get me!" Nadalia playfully exclaimed with a goofy grin.

Indiah rolled her eyes before crossing her arms.

"I was gonna get you if my shit wouldn't had clanked, what got your head so in that phone for anyways?"

"This hair vendor wants me to promote some bundles and this boy wants me to promote some of his hoodies so I'm just trying to get everything together and understood so we can make it happen."

"Period then Ms.Entrepreneur," Indiah said as she made a 'make it rain' motion with her hands.

"Bye Diah," Nadalia laughed at her antics.

"Exactly, bye bitch cause it's time to gooo," she replied as she skipped backwards towards the building that held her class.

As Nadalia got up from her position she yelled out, "watch when you fall," as she watched her friend give her the finger before spinning forwards and finishing her walk to the building.

She began to make her way to her own class.

Once the brown skinned girl made it inside her African American studies classroom she took place at the same seat she did on the first day while shortly after someone came in and sat beside her.

"What's good Nadalia," said a long curly haired girl who wore her hair in two French braids today.

"Hey Dakota how's your day going?" Nadalia said in reply with a friendly smile..

"I mean shit, it's going," Dakota said in response followed with a small chuckle as she didn't really have an answer yet.

"I hear you with that," Nadalia spoke in agreement as sometimes days don't have a definite answer in how they are. 

"And how is yours going?"

"Hm, I'd say it's good and going," she replied with a soft smirk. Repeating Dakota's answer back to her.

Dakota laughed at that and that was the end of their discussion as the professor came in with good mornings and instructions on what was to be done for today.


Once the class was ended and before Dakota could get up and leave Nadalia tapped her arm to ask her a question.

"Did you want to come to the library with me, I'm going to meet my friend over there and catch up before we leave and I know you mentioned wanting to ha-"

Before the Dalia girl could finish her way too detailed explanation to her request Dakota cut her off to give her response and answer.

"You have got to chill with these nervous ramblings you do, I know what I said and yes i would like to accompany so lead the way," a comedic smile never leaving her face and she started and finished her very short speech.

Nadalia rolled her eyes but didn't say anything in return as they left the building and walked to the library in a comfortable silence.

When they arrived at the destination Dakota opened the door for both of them as Dolly spotted her friend easily due to the bright pink sundress she wore. As they came closer to the table Indiah raised her head from her laptop to the person in front of her which was Dolly before she looked over and noticed her accomplice.

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