Chapter 20 - High school backwards

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Narrator POV

You slowly lifted up your eyes from all that heavy shit you've done last night. You didn't drink but you still feel dizzy somehow. Your eyes were red and dry and your body was also hurting due to the fact that you slept on a floor but lucky for you that you weren't stepped on or whatever.

You slowly sit up, rubbing the back of your head. "Oh shit... What happened last night...." You asked yourself, exhaustingly. "Oh fuck I have school and I'm still at a bar." You laughed quietly to yourself and picked up your phone to text Eric to go to the bar and drive him to your house with your car.

You: pick me up I don't feel well to drive

You: I feel kinda good tho

Kickass: ofc ur awake now wait for me >:(

*SpongeBob narrator voice*

Cartman arrived in the gay bar, grabbed your hand, dragged you to your car, and drove you home so you can get ready for school.

Later, you walked to the bus stop. The 4 looked at you concerned due to you being high. "Dude... Your eyes." Kyle spoke. "W-What about em?" You questioned. "They're red." Stan pointed. "Oh."

"What the hell were you doing last night and why weren't you answering?" Cartman asked you, calm but obviously pissed inside. "I-I-I was..."
"Yeah right you were dancing totally."

"What are you guys talking about?" Kyle asked. "Shut up jew it's none of your business!!"
"I was asking, fatass!"

And while the two argue like usual, you covered your face and started laughing. The bus arrived and the 5 of you went in.

*SpongeBob narrator voice*

It's only first period and you were still exhausted. While Ms.Nelson was teaching, your head dropped to the desk and you fell asleep for the whole period. But hey, the teacher didn't noticeeee

As the bell rang, the class left and Stan woke you up to go to second period.

On second period, half of the class is going through their essays and reading them out loud to the class. "Okay we're going through our essays today and tomorrow for those who won't get a chance." Mr.Garrison announced.

"Y/N, why don't you go first? Get in the front where the chalk board's at."
"I-I-I'm not prepared..."
"Just get up here, bud."
You got up with your paper and went to the front. But it took almost a minute for you so start.

"Y/N, you can start now." Garrison said, annoyed. "A-Alright..."

"S-S-So my speech li.. uhm.. I-Is a...bout how Ger..."
Since you were high, it was hard to read out loud. And most of your classmates could recognize that you're high due to your red eyes and stuttering speaking.

You continued stuttering your speech and Mr.Garrison looks down, threw his hand to his face and shook.

"You're done Y/N. Sit down." He pointed at your desk. "S-Sure." You went back to your desk and passed out sleeping again for the whole period. Not only that, you got an F.

During lunch, it wasn't the same as your usual self. You actually got your lunch and ate instead of just sitting next to Cartman while he gets his lunch and you don't. People that know you and are sitting around you are concerned about you.

"Do any of you know what the hell is going on with him?" Bebe questioned. "It's not impossible, he's obviously high." Craig shrugged, not even surprised.

Fortunately, being high lasted for 4 hours and you stay at school for 6 hours. Thankfully you made it home without being caught, but classes didn't go well at all.

Your POV

Phew.. glad no teacher caught me being high during this whole ass 6 hour prison. Honestly it would be worse if I was drunk, I think. But I don't drink so good for me.

That was a weird experience. Welp, never doing that again.

I went to my room with my low battery phone, get the charger and plugged it in. Since i recorded a video last night, I decided to go on my Snapchat and check it. Almost all of my friends saw it.

They probably recognized that I was high today and knew I went to a bar last night.. Okay.

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