Chapter eleven

Começar do início

Couple hours later Celeste and Aaron walked into the house.

"Do you want me to run you a bath?" Aaron asked as he took his suit jacket off, Celeste shook her head as she walked towards the kitchen. Making her way to the freezer and opening the door taking out ice cream. walking to the counter she took the lid off the container and grabbed the spoon then walked out of the kitchen and started making her way upstairs.

"What are you doing?" Aaron asked as he watched her making her way up the stairs.

"I'm going to eat ice cream in bed while I watch nexflix" she let out as she got at the top of the stairs.

"because god forbid that I move to much" she let out, Aaron shook his head as he watch her disappear down the hall.

Celeste ate the whole ice cream container in no time, Aaron was in the office on the phone with the team that were at Quantico working on the case. her attention was broken by someone walking towards the bedroom. Octavia appeared at the door and gave her a smile.

"can't believe Courtney called you" Celeste let out, Octavia shook her head and walked in the room and around the bed, she was holding a duffle bag on her shoulder.

"Aaron called me, told me what happen" she said putting the duffle bag down and getting on the bed beside her best friend.

"How are you?" the red head asked.

"I'm good now, it was scary O" Octavia let out a hum.

"I can just imagine, so now you need to take it easy so that doesn't happen again" Ocatavia said as she moved to grab the duffle that was on the floor.

"So I got some stuff for us to do, and take your mind off things" she said as she open the duffle and start taking out purple paper, a purple and pink binder, stickers and markers. Celeste let out a chuckle.

"Arts and crafts?" she let out as she looked at her best friend.

"Were going to plan your babyshower" Octavia let out, Celeste gave her a smile as she sat up straighter in bed.

"I figured since you know I'm your best friend and all that its just right that I plan this with you" Celeste gave her a nod.

"I love you so much"

"Love you too" the red head let out.

Supper rolled around Aaron walked out of the office and looked down the hall to his bedroom where he could see his pregnant wife laughing with her best friend, it made him happy to see her happy after the day they had, he walked to the bedroom door and leaned againts the door frame.

"What is going on in here?" he asked, both girls looked up.

"Ah! your came out of the Hotch cave" Octavia let out making Celeste laugh, Aaron gave Octavia a smile as he shook his head.

"so were planing a babyshower" Octavia let out, Aaron walked into the room and looked down at the bed.

"For who?" he asked, Celeste threw a pillow at him.

"Dick" she let out, Aaron let out a laugh.

"alright well I know when I'm not needed, I'm going to start supper" he let out.

"How's the case going?" Celeste asked, they both looked at each other.

"Alright" Celeste let out as she got the feeling it wasn't the time.

"You staying for supper Red?" Aaron asked.

"Red?" Octavia question, Aaron pointed to her head, Celeste let out a chuckle.

Promised FutureOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora