9. Fall of True Order

Start from the beginning

"The fall of True Order," he said with a sigh. "The reason we exist."

I nodded slowly, expecting him to tell me why he was here, but he turned the laptop toward him instead.

"You know, I'm one of the original twelve captains in the unit. The seventh they recruited."

"Really?" I asked, facing him.

He nodded. "Yup. So would you rather watch this seminar, or get a private tour from me?"

"A private tour sounds so much better," I said.

"Great! Grab your stuff and don't forget your tag. Let's go for a little ride," he said, returning to the doorway.

I quickly took my phone and the tag, then grabbed my jacket. When I followed him out of the room, the familiar feeling of being lured into a trap slowly raised its ugly head, but I chose to ignore it. My omega, however, did not. It was getting nervous, but I couldn't understand why. It had been fine with this man until now. He hadn't given us a single reason I should be wary of him, and his alpha hadn't shown any interest in my omega. Unless I'd missed something?

But... If the captain had bad intentions, maybe it was better to get it out of the way. There was nothing I could do about it, anyway, not as long as I wanted to stay in this unit.

And fuck, that made me feel sick... The omega in me hated my reasoning.

"All good?" he asked me when we exited the building.

"Yeah. All good," I said.

"Hmm..." he uttered, taking a good long look at me like he didn't quite believe me.

I stayed silent as we made our way to his Jeep, trying to keep my omega calm, but when we sat in the car, and the captain peered at me from the corner of his eye, the scent of his pheromones growing stronger, both my omega and I got nervous. He closed his door, but I suddenly couldn't. I just sat there, my hand frozen on the door, my omega begging for us to leave the car.

"Sir, I..." I didn't even know what I wanted to say.

The captain let out a long breath and leaned back against his seat, but I couldn't even look at him.

"It's been a bit of a weekend for you, huh...?" he said quietly, his voice soft.

"Kind of," I whispered.

"It's different here. Different smells. New people. My boys are big and strong, which probably doesn't help at all. You're strong, but it must be overwhelming," he spoke quietly.


I still didn't look at him.

"What I'm trying to say is take a deep breath for me. You're all right," he said.

I hated it. I hated him for his words. I couldn't afford to show weakness, but here I was, nearly panicking, letting this alpha see me in a vulnerable state. I was stronger than this. All the things I'd been through... Why was I now breaking apart? I got where I wanted, for fuck's sake! Why was I now constantly breaking apart?!

"One deep breath, okay?"

I forced air into my lungs, wishing he'd just assault me already, so I didn't have to keep guessing. Then I'd know. I could live with that. I'd lived with that for a long time now. But this? I couldn't live with this.

"This is going to sound weird, but..." the captain said, moving his hand closer, keeping his palm down. "You could try touching my hand."

"What?" I asked, finally turning to him.

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