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"Y/n stop" tony says and Clint picks you up.

Yous get to the hotel tony has rented it out.tony takes yous up to his room.(yous are sharing a room with steve and Bucky aswell there is 2 rooms in one)

"Right I want you two to listen carefully okay?" Tony says and you and peter nod

"Yous are going to take it in turns sharing a room with me okay ?" He says and you sigh

"Also pepper is coming don't panic we have sorted everything" tony says and you cross your arms.

"Want uncwle clint" you say

"Okay baby we can see him in a second so do you want to spend the first night without someone ?" Tony asks and you nod annoyed at what's happening.

"Okay I'll bring your pyjamas and diaper bag to his room then" tony says and you walk out the door(eveyone kept there doors open so they knew were eachother were)

"Y/n there's a single bed in here and you and Peter can take it in turns sleeping on it" tony says

"No want uncwle clint" you say and Clint's head pops up.

"What's wrong baby" he says noticing your annoyed.

You go to him.he picks you up and you lay your head on him.

"Y/n I'm sorry I know it's not the best I'm sorry baby daddy will make it up to you" tony says and you nod and he hugs you.

"She'll be fine a night with her uncle Clint won't do her any harm" clint says and Tony nods

"Thanks Clint" tony says and he nods.

Clint takes you into his room and sits you on the bed.

"Hmm what's the time" he says and he checks "it's 11:30"

"Do you want to go in the pool" Clint asks and you shake your head

"Why not?" He asks

"Cause mm feel sikie" you say and Clint sighs.he picks you up and feels your forhead

"The heat already got to you baby?" Clint asks and you nod.

Clint sighs and picks you up.

"We can go in the water and that will cool you down okay?" Clint says and you nod.he changes you into your swimsuit and swim diaper,then changers himself.he then takes your boot off you lip but you can walk and takes you down the the pool.he eats in the pool with you and you just keep ahold of him.

"There we go dose that feel better" Clint asks and you nod.

You smile and splash water at Clint.

He acts shocked. "Hey why did you do that"

You giggle and swim away from him.

He swims after you.bucky comes in the pool and joins in.

Tony comes out with Peter and he stays in the shallow end

You go to him.

"Come" you say holding your hand out for him.

"Mm can't swim" he says

"Pete put your arm bands on" tony says

"No" he says crossing his arms

You look at Tony then look at peter.

"Why not" you ask

"Nu wnat to chu will laugh" Peter says

"Mm mm I'll wear with you" you say and Tony smiles.

Y/ns little secret Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora