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In the moring you wake up still on Clint you look around to see Bucky awake and eveyone else asleep either on the bed or floor apart form steve who was asleep in the chair.

You and Bucky look at each other then see a red head woman wonder into the room you had never seen her before.

You and Bucky look at each others you shuffle closer to Bucky and grab his arm.

You and him shake and you see the woman gettting closer to and Bucky scream.

Everyone wakes up and Steve jumps up and picks yous both up.

"Uncle Steb" you cry pointing at the woman.

"Yeah I know that's pepper don't be scared she's really nice and she's your daddy girlfriend"Steve. Says bouncing you and Bucky.

Tony takes you off steve and goes over to pepper.

"Hi sweetie" pepper says and you burry you head into Tony's neck and shake your head.

"Y/n don't be rude" Tony says trying to push you up.

"No daddy" you say pushing your head back dow.

"Tony it's okay" pepper says putting a hand on the shoulder your not leaning on.

"Okay so the power is still out so for now I think form 5pm we should stick together" Steve says wile bouncing Bucky.

Everyone goes there separate ways you Tony and pepper are in the living room.

You playing on the floor and Tony and pepper are talking.

Your playing with a paw patrol puzzle you can't get it to fit right so you get annoyed and Chuck it.

"Y/n no we do not throw thing" Tony says in a stern tone.

"But annoying me Nu working" you say about to cry.

"Look it's okay why don't we put puzzle away and play with somthing else.

You shake your head "Nu want to mm want to do it" you say to Tony.he moves himself onto the floor with you and helps you do the puzzle when you finsh it you clap your hands and smile.

"Well done baby" Tony says kissing your forehead.

"Oh wow y/n well done" pepper says.

You smile.

"Better then hiding I suppose" Tony says.pepper just smiles.

"Lunch time" Tony says picking you up.

"Why" you ask

"Cause you need to eat silly sausage" Tony says setting you in your high chair.

"Cheeses crisps and cucumbers" Tony asks and you nod.

Tony cuts the cheeses and cucumber and puts it on a plate then empty's a bag of chips on your try.

You eat nearly everything.

"Your such a good girl arnt you" Tony says and you smile.

"Do you want someeee chocolate" Tony says pulling a bar of chocolate out.

"Yeah pwees yeah yeah" you say smiling and jumping up and down in your chair.

"Only if you give daddy a kiss" Tony kiss Tony's cheek and he smiles and gives you the chocolate.

You eat it and Tony gets you out.

"Hmm I think someone needs a nap" tony says watching you rub your eyes.

You shake your head "yes baby because everyone is sleeping in the living room tonight and I'm sure uncle Steve is making Bucky have his nap" Tony says rocking you you put your fingers in your mouth and Tony gently takes them out and puts your dummy in your mouth you fall asleep and Tony puts you down in your crib and goes back to pepper.

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