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"Come on go to sleep" tony says

"Daddy" you say and Tony looks at you.

"I nu sweepy" you say and Tony sighs.

"Yes you are sleepy"tony says and you shake your head.

Tony sighs and lays you on his chest and you sit up.

"Okay fine" tony says and he gets out of bed and yous go into the living room and see Steve.

"Steve it's 1 in the moring what you doing up" tony asks

"Dunno" he says and you you at him.

"What you doing up missy" Steve asks and you smile "what mean" you say

"You know what I mean" Steve says and you smile.tony sits down worth you and you cuddle him.

"Daddy" you say and and he looks at you

"Yes" he says and you shrug.

You cuddle into him and he pats your back

"Dada" you say holding your stomach

"What's up" he asks and you shrug.

"Come here let's see if I can help"Steve says and Tony passes your to Steve and he has you sat up on him and he rubs your burp

"That's better sweetheart" Steve asks and you shake your head.

"Okay let's try this" Steve says and he lays you across his lap and he rubs your stomach.the pain starts to go away a bit.

"Is that helping" Steve asks and you nod.

You lay on Steve for a bit and then sit up.

"Y/n" tony says and you look at him.

You keep moving your hair out your face and you end up pulling it.


"Y/n don't pull you hair you'll hurt yourself come here daddy will put it up" tony says and you go to him and he grabs a hair brush and hair ties and puts your head in a high ponytail

"There we go now it's out your face" Tony says and you nod and smile.

You fall asleep and wake up the next day and cry

"DADDY" you cry and Tony comes in

"What's the matter baby" he asks

"Tummy owie Ann feel icky" you say and Tony sighs and looks at the dates.

"Oh baby you on your period " Tony asks and you nod upset

"It's okay don't be upset come on we'll get you changed then get breakfast" Tony's says and you nod

"You want waffles and chocolate?" Tony asks and you nod.

Tony takes your dirty diaper off you and puts a clean one on you he tickles you and you smile.

"Come on then" he says and he picks you up and takes you ti the breakfast table.

Tony sits you in your high chair and he makes you your breakfast

"Y/n want car" Bucky asks

"Nu" you say

"Why not chu Otay" Bucky asks and you nod

Tony gives you your breakfast and you eat it.

"Come on let's get dressed" tony says and you sigh

"I know" tony says and he takes you to your nursery

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